[Phpmyadmin-devel] phpMyAdmin 2.11.5 and security announcement

Marc Delisle Marc.Delisle at cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca
Mon Mar 3 15:24:31 CET 2008

Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
> Marc Delisle schrieb:
>> Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.11.5, a bugfix-only version containing a 
>> security fix.
>> Security announcement: 
>> http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/security.php?issue=PMASA-2008-1
>> The release notes and download info are available on
>> http://www.phpmyadmin.net.
>> Marc Delisle, for the team.
> a big german IT news site (heise.de) has reported about our latest release, 
> but find fault that the description is unclear what exactly the problem is
> possible we should add the term used by stefan esser: "Delayed Cross Site 
> Request Forgery"
> and explain: another application could set a cookie for the root path '/' 
> which could override phpMyAdmins _GET or _POST params, f.e. a cookie called 
> sql_query would always overwrite the user submitted sql_query, caused by the 
> fact PHP imports (be dafault) first GET than POST than COOKIE
In such security announcements, it's not always clear what is better for 
the whole community: provide a quasi-exploit or stay vague... I chose to 
stay vague.

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