[Phpmyadmin-devel] Create table dialog

Tyron Madlener tyronx at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 18:26:55 CEST 2011

On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Marc Delisle <marc at infomarc.info> wrote:
> Le 2011-06-25 11:11, Tyron Madlener a écrit :
>> On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Marc Delisle<marc at infomarc.info>  wrote:
>>> Le 2011-06-25 08:56, Tyron Madlener a écrit :
>>>> On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Marc Delisle<marc at infomarc.info>    wrote:
>>>>> Le 2011-06-25 08:07, Tyron Madlener a écrit :
>>>>>> I apologize for my directness but the newly implemented 'Create table'
>>>>>> Dialog has an awful usability.
>>>>> Tyron,
>>>>> thanks for your post. There are two issues here:
>>>>> 1. the AJAX create table dialog
>>>>> 2. the ENUM/SET editor
>>>>> and they should be discussed separately.
>>>>> About 1, I am wondering if AJAXification was an advantage here. See also
>>>>> the discussion on 2011-04-08 "Issues with AJAX" on this list. I
>>>>> suggested a mechanism to hide most form fields by default.
>>>> Thanks, I've read through the conversation. I would agree on hiding
>>>> rarely used fields like "Browser transformation,Transformation
>>>> options,MIME type" but otherwise such feature in my opinion would only
>>>> decrease usability.
>>>> Hiding most form fields maybe fixes the problem, but it doesn't fix the cause.
>>> One cause is the number of form fields for each column, and the small
>>> work area of the dialog increases this space problem.
>>>> I don't think an ajax dialog for 'create table' is inherently worse.
>>>> It could actually be significantly better if for example the dialog
>>>> could span over the left frame as well, giving more editing space than
>>>> the old style create table page.
>>> I'm not sure that we can span a dialog over the other frame.
> ... but at least the dialog could span the main frame.
>> Yea, such feature will probably only work after framesets have been
>> removed, which should be done in the not so far future, I think
> Do you suggest this removal for 3.5? I don't think that this has been
> agreed to (at least for 3.5).

Probably not for 3.5. Maybe it could be part of a project for gsoc
next year? Part of a code cleanup project, or something.

>>> Besides,
>>> the idea of the navigation frame is to have a reference spot that is
>>> always available.
>> Why would someone need the navigation frame to be visible when a
>> dialog is open? If he needs to navigate away, a click on the ESC
>> button and he can do so again.
>> The gain from having more space would be greater than the
>> inconvenience of not seeing the navigation frame, I think.
> Your argument makes sense.
> --
> Marc Delisle
> http://infomarc.info
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