[Phpmyadmin-devel] Updating metro theme for PMA v4.4

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 14:58:40 CET 2015

Hi Madhura,

On 3/18/15 6:26 AM, Madhura Jayaratne wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Madhura Jayaratne <madhura.cj at gmail.com
> <mailto:madhura.cj at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     As per the discussion on the recent team meeting [1] I have started
>     working on updating metro theme to be compatible with phpMyAdmin 4.4
>     and you can find what I've done so far at [2]. I am basically going
>     through all the commits that had some style/image change since 2013
>     and adapting them to metro them to make sure nothing is missed.
>     [1] https://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/2015-03_Meeting#Themes
>     [2] https://github.com/madhuracj/metro/commits/master
>     -- 
>     Thanks and Regards,
>     Madhura Jayaratne
> Hi devs,
> I think the theme is in a reasonable state now. Would appreciate if you
> could get the theme from [1] and try it with phpMyAdmin version 4.4 (in
> Beta) and give feedback.
> [1] https://github.com/madhuracj/metro/

Great progress! Very nice job. I have some thoughts:

* On the login page, there's a large 'a' displayed. I don't remember
much about the metro theme from times past, so maybe the original
designer had some motivation for it, but I'd rather see a p or our logo
or something there.

* On the main page, I see something extra after the Theme selection
dropdown: "Scheme: win" do you have thoughts about that? I do not see it
with pmahomme

* From a table structure page, under the list of columns there's the
list of actions; Print view, Propose table structure, etc. The spacing
between the first three (Print view, Propose table structure, and Track
table) look okay, but then the rest seem to be squished closer together.
This is particularly noticeable because the 'e' from "Track table" seems
to be slightly covered by the icon for "Move columns"

* The green color used, for instance, when showing a successful query
"Showing rows 0 - 8 (9 total, Query took 0.0009 seconds.)" is a bit
bright for the tone of the rest of the theme. It's currently #01A31C,
perhaps something like #77BB77 would fit better.

* The navigation icons, Home, Log out, phpMyAdmin documentation, MySQL
documentation, and Reload navigation frame -- none of the icons are
appearing for me. For Home I see an exclamation point, and the rest of
them have the appearance of unsupported unicode characters. Is this a
problem with my Firefox?

Again, great work.

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