[phpMyAdmin Developers] GSoC project on automated tests (Selenium)

Lakmal padmakumara rclakmal at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 23:42:28 CET 2016

Hi Devs,

I'm Lakmal Padmakumara, currently following my masters in Computer Science
at TUM, Germany. While looking for an interesting summer project , I
encountered this proposal
included in your ideas list for GSoC 2016.

I have prior experience with selenium2 framework through one of my previous
internship and also to have high interest in the area of automated testing
for web applications.

​I also noticed some work has been already done in the previous GSoC
sessions (2013). I would be thankful if you can let me know whether this
idea is still open for new students and ​also what would be a good starting
point, so I can play around a little bit and contribute something even
before the proposal period.

Best Regards
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