[phpMyAdmin Developers] Build failed in Jenkins: phpMyAdmin #1878

Jenkins Daemon jenkins at phpmyadmin.net
Fri Sep 2 04:00:41 CEST 2016

See <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/1878/changes>


[devenbansod.bits] Remove unneeded debugging statements

[devenbansod.bits] Fix 'Token mismatch' in Drop Database

[devenbansod.bits] Fix 'Token mismatch' in db_search

[weblate] Translated using Weblate (Slovak)

[devenbansod.bits] Fix 'Token mismatch' in drop and truncating a table from db_structure

[devenbansod.bits] Fix 'Token mismatch' in deleting tracking from db_tracking

[devenbansod.bits] Use appropirate name 'params' instead of 'data'

[devenbansod.bits] Use appropriate name 'params' instead of 'data'

[weblate] Translated using Weblate (Igbo)

Started by timer
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building in workspace <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/>
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision a8945a7b43d64a28978624131da0b8313492f89d (origin/master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f a8945a7b43d64a28978624131da0b8313492f89d
 > git rev-list f4d37041b8462e2527e3cdc218e766e45d955b5e # timeout=10
[EnvInject] - Executing scripts and injecting environment variables after the SCM step.
[EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 

[EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully.
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson333529474859073705.sh
+ composer update --no-interaction
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
  - Removing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.6.2)
  - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.7.0)
    Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 85%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%

Package guzzle/guzzle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzlehttp/guzzle instead.
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
[workspace] $ ant ******** ******** clean locales phpunit pdepend phpmd phpcpd phpcs phploc jshint jshint-checkstyle lint
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar
Buildfile: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build.xml>

   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/api>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/code-browser>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/coverage>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/logs>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/pdepend>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/api>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/code-browser>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/coverage>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/logs>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/pdepend>

     [exec] po/ig.po:317: 'msgstr' is not a valid PHP format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: In the directive number 1, the character 'S' is not a valid conversion specifier.
     [exec] po/ig.po:326: 'msgstr' is not a valid PHP format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: In the directive number 1, the character 'S' is not a valid conversion specifier.
     [exec] msgfmt: found 2 fatal errors
     [exec] tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
     [exec] Error when compiling po/ig.po
     [exec] tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified

<https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build.xml>:138: exec returned: 1

Total time: 8 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
[CHECKSTYLE] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[JSLINT] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[PMD] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[DRY] Collecting duplicate code analysis files...
[DRY] Finding all files that match the pattern build/logs/pmd-cpd.xml
[DRY] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1877
[TASKS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[ANALYSIS-COLLECTOR] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1877
Recording plot data
Publishing Clover coverage report...
Clover xml file does not exist in: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/> called: build/logs/clover.xml and will not be copied to: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/phpMyAdmin/builds/1878/cloverphp/clover.xml
Could not find 'build/coverage/build/logs/clover.xml'.  Did you generate the XML report for Clover?
[xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing PHPUnit-3.x (default)
[xUnit] [INFO] - [PHPUnit-3.x (default)] - No test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'build/logs/junit.xml' relative to '<https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/'> for the testing framework 'PHPUnit-3.x (default)'.  Did you enter a pattern relative to the correct directory?  Did you generate the result report(s) for 'PHPUnit-3.x (default)'?
[xUnit] [ERROR] - No test reports found for the metric 'PHPUnit' with the resolved pattern 'build/logs/junit.xml'. Configuration error?.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Failing BUILD.
[xUnit] [INFO] - There are errors when processing test results.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Skipping tests recording.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Stop build.
[JDepend] JDepend plugin is ready
[JDepend] Couldn't generate JDepend file at 'build/logs/jdepend.xml'java.io.FileNotFoundException: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/ws/build/logs/jdepend.xml> (No such file or directory)

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