[phpMyAdmin Developers] Help regarding an issue

Akriti Anand anand.akriti at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 12:57:56 CEST 2017

I have been trying to fix this issue (Multiple Change Password Dialog #13666)
but I am stuck. I figured that multiple dialog boxes are cropping up
because of multiple AJAX requests (please correct me of I'm wrong). But two
types of form are loaded, one which has generate button and which does not.
And that to in a fixed growing number of times after each click on 'change

I can't figure out where is displayPasswordGenerateButton () being
executed. It is inside addOrUpdateSubmenu. I can't pin point what forces
these requests multiple times...

I'm new to contributing to phpmyAdmin, and I apologize in advance if my
doubts are silly.
Thanks :)

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