[phpMyAdmin Developers] Dependency Injection

Michal Čihař michal at cihar.com
Mon Jan 22 13:57:01 CET 2018


On Sat, 2018-01-20 at 15:30 -0200, Maurício Meneghini Fauth wrote:
> This week I was researching how to increase code coverage and found a
> few things that would make it easier to write unit tests and make the
> code cleaner.
> The main point is to use dependency injection whenever possible, as
> this makes it easier to mock the dependencies. To facilitate this, we
> can reduce the use of static methods in favor of instance methods.
> This would give us a constructor method, which would make it easier
> to manage dependencies.

This seems as reasonable approach to make the code easier to test.

> Another point is that we currently use $GLOBALS as a simplified
> service locator. We can replace this with the dependency injection
> container. This would reduce the 'action at a distance' problems, in
> addition to decoupling the classes.

Indeed getting rid of using global variables is good way - current code
with several hidden dependecies on global variables is hard to test and

	Michal Čihař | https://cihar.com/ | https://weblate.org/
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