[phpMyAdmin Developers] Add support for CHECK constraints

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 04:59:59 CEST 2018

Hi developers,

On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 3:42 AM, Lakshay arora
<arora.lakshya123 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Since mysql does not provide an option to edit a check constraint or even to
> describe it, I was thinking about making that functionality myself. Check
> constraints will be saved in a table named pma_checkConstraints in
> phpmyadmin databse, where we will store all the info about ccs. This way, we
> can also add an option to edit a cc.
> I'll also create a new class CheckConstraint which will handle all the
> functionality.
> Any suggestions??

I'm uncertain about this feature. On one hand, it seems like an area
where we could provide some extra functionality that MySQL doesn't —
similar to how we supported relations between tables before InnoDB was
so popular. On the other hand, it's not something that's been
requested much, isn't expected since it's outside the scope of MySQL's
features, and is something that I imagine MySQL will eventually
support anyway. Having it in place would only benefit users when using
phpMyAdmin directly rather than using any application.

I have a slight inclination to say no to this idea, but I certainly
could be swayed another way.


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