[phpMyAdmin Developers] Build failed in Jenkins: phpMyAdmin-continuous #15155

Jenkins Daemon jenkins at phpmyadmin.net
Wed May 1 17:54:12 CEST 2019

See <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/15155/display/redirect?page=changes>


[apoorvkhare007] Fixes #15059 Server charset hardcoded in index.php

[William Desportes] Fix #14383 #12865 - Fix GIS functions for mysql 8.0

[William Desportes] Fix spatial functions

[William Desportes] Fix php notice Undefined index: mysqlVersion

[William Desportes] MULTIPOINT now has ( and ) around value

[William Desportes] Fix #14614 - "# 2014 - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command

[William Desportes] Fix #14614 - Commands are out of sync with $cfg['DBG']['sqllog'] = true;

[William Desportes] Fix #15146 - Error reports can not be sent because too large

[William Desportes] Fix #14992 - Fixed php notices when reporting errors

[William Desportes] Add ChangeLog entry for #14383 and #12865

[William Desportes] Add ChangeLog entry for #15059 and #14614

Started by GitHub push by williamdes
Running as SYSTEM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building in workspace <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/>
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --progress https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision fbd89fb882715cdd08cb24c67a6c8470e1c6285f (origin/master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f fbd89fb882715cdd08cb24c67a6c8470e1c6285f
Commit message: "Merge branch 'QA_4_8'"
 > git rev-list --no-walk 40cc2dc813468032c12343bb07de1ccaff1da5c1 # timeout=10
 > git tag -a -f -m Jenkins Build #15155 jenkins-phpMyAdmin-continuous-15155 # timeout=10
[EnvInject] - Executing scripts and injecting environment variables after the SCM step.
[EnvInject] - Injecting as environment variables the properties content 

[EnvInject] - Variables injected successfully.
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins6879397763648653756.sh
+ composer update --no-interaction
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 0 installs, 6 updates, 0 removals
  - Updating symfony/var-exporter (v4.2.7 => v4.2.8): Loading from cache
  - Updating symfony/cache (v4.2.7 => v4.2.8): Loading from cache
  - Updating symfony/expression-language (v4.2.7 => v4.2.8): Loading from cache
  - Updating symfony/console (v4.2.7 => v4.2.8): Loading from cache
  - Updating symfony/process (v4.2.7 => v4.2.8): Loading from cache
  - Updating symfony/finder (v4.2.7 => v4.2.8): Loading from cache
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
ocramius/package-versions:  Generating version class...
ocramius/package-versions: ...done generating version class
[workspace] $ ant ******** ******** clean locales phpunit-nocoverage phpcpd phpcs phploc jshint jshint-checkstyle
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar
Buildfile: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build.xml>

   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/api>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/code-browser>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/coverage>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/logs>
   [delete] Deleting directory <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/pdepend>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/api>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/code-browser>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/coverage>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/logs>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build/pdepend>


     [exec] PHPUnit 8.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
     [exec] Runtime:       PHP 7.3.3-1+0~20190307202245.32+stretch~1.gbp32ebb2
     [exec] Configuration: <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/phpunit.xml.nocoverage>
     [exec] .............................................................   61 / 2330 (  2%)
     [exec] .............................................................  122 / 2330 (  5%)
     [exec] .............................................................  183 / 2330 (  7%)
     [exec] .............................................................  244 / 2330 ( 10%)
     [exec] .............................................................  305 / 2330 ( 13%)
     [exec] .............................................................  366 / 2330 ( 15%)
     [exec] .............................................................  427 / 2330 ( 18%)
     [exec] .............................................................  488 / 2330 ( 20%)
     [exec] .............................................................  549 / 2330 ( 23%)
     [exec] .............................................................  610 / 2330 ( 26%)
     [exec] ................F............................................  671 / 2330 ( 28%)
     [exec] .............................................................  732 / 2330 ( 31%)
     [exec] .............................................................  793 / 2330 ( 34%)
     [exec] .............................................................  854 / 2330 ( 36%)
     [exec] .............................................................  915 / 2330 ( 39%)
     [exec] .............................................................  976 / 2330 ( 41%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1037 / 2330 ( 44%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1098 / 2330 ( 47%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1159 / 2330 ( 49%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1220 / 2330 ( 52%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1281 / 2330 ( 54%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1342 / 2330 ( 57%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1403 / 2330 ( 60%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1464 / 2330 ( 62%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1525 / 2330 ( 65%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1586 / 2330 ( 68%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1647 / 2330 ( 70%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1708 / 2330 ( 73%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1769 / 2330 ( 75%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1830 / 2330 ( 78%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1891 / 2330 ( 81%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 1952 / 2330 ( 83%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 2013 / 2330 ( 86%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 2074 / 2330 ( 89%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 2135 / 2330 ( 91%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 2196 / 2330 ( 94%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 2257 / 2330 ( 96%)
     [exec] ............................................................. 2318 / 2330 ( 99%)
     [exec] ............                                                  2330 / 2330 (100%)
     [exec] Time: 7.42 seconds, Memory: 166.50 MB
     [exec] There was 1 failure:
     [exec] 1) PhpMyAdmin\Tests\ErrorReportTest::testGetForm
     [exec] Failed asserting that '<form action="error_report.php" method="post" name="report_frm" id="report_frm"\n
     [exec]       class="ajax">\n
     [exec]     <fieldset style="padding-top:0">\n
     [exec] \n
     [exec]         <p>\n
     [exec]             This report automatically includes data about the error and information about relevant configuration settings. It will be sent to the phpMyAdmin team for debugging the error.        </p>\n
     [exec] \n
     [exec]         <div class="label"><label><strong>\n
     [exec]                     Can you tell us the steps leading to this error? It decisively helps in debugging:                </strong></label>\n
     [exec]         </div>\n
     [exec]         <textarea class="report-description" name="description"\n
     [exec]                   id="report_description"></textarea>\n
     [exec] \n
     [exec]         <div class="label"><label><p>\n
     [exec]                     You may examine the data in the error report:                </p></label></div>\n
     [exec]         <pre class="report-data">{\n
     [exec]     "pma_version": "5.0.0-dev",\n
     [exec]     "browser_name": "OTHER",\n
     [exec]     "browser_version": 0,\n
     [exec]     "user_os": "Other",\n
     [exec]     "server_software": "SERVER_SOFTWARE",\n
     [exec]     "user_agent_string": "HTTP_USER_AGENT",\n
     [exec]     "locale": "en",\n
     [exec]     "configuration_storage": "disabled",\n
     [exec]     "php_version": "7.3.3-1+0~20190307202245.32+stretch~1.gbp32ebb2",\n
     [exec]     "script_name": "index.php",\n
     [exec]     "exception_type": "js",\n
     [exec]     "exception": {\n
     [exec]         "stack": [],\n
     [exec]         "uri": "index.php?"\n
     [exec]     },\n
     [exec]     "microhistory": "",\n
     [exec]     "steps": "description"\n
     [exec] }</pre>\n
     [exec] \n
     [exec]         <input type="checkbox" name="always_send" id="always_send_checkbox">\n
     [exec]         <label for="always_send_checkbox">\n
     [exec]             Automatically send report next time        </label>\n
     [exec] \n
     [exec]     </fieldset>\n
     [exec] \n
     [exec]     <input type="hidden" name="token" value="token">\n
     [exec]     <input type="hidden" name="pma_version" value="5.0.0-dev"><input type="hidden" name="browser_name" value="OTHER"><input type="hidden" name="browser_version" value="0"><input type="hidden" name="user_os" value="Other"><input type="hidden" name="server_software" value="SERVER_SOFTWARE"><input type="hidden" name="user_agent_string" value="HTTP_USER_AGENT"><input type="hidden" name="locale" value="en"><input type="hidden" name="configuration_storage" value="disabled"><input type="hidden" name="php_version" value="7.3.3-1+0~20190307202245.32+stretch~1.gbp32ebb2"><input type="hidden" name="script_name" value="index.php"><input type="hidden" name="exception_type" value="js"><input type="hidden" name="exception[uri]" value="index.php?"><input type="hidden" name="microhistory" value=""><input type="hidden" name="steps" value="description">\n
     [exec] </form>\n
     [exec] ' contains "<pre class="report-data">{
     [exec]     "pma_version": "5.0.0-dev",
     [exec]     "browser_name": "OTHER",
     [exec]     "browser_version": 0,
     [exec]     "user_os": "Other",
     [exec]     "server_software": "SERVER_SOFTWARE",
     [exec]     "user_agent_string": "HTTP_USER_AGENT",
     [exec]     "locale": "en",
     [exec]     "configuration_storage": "disabled",
     [exec]     "php_version": "7.3.3-1+0~20190307202245.32+stretch~1.gbp32ebb2",
     [exec]     "exception_type": "js",
     [exec]     "exception": {
     [exec]         "stack": [],
     [exec]         "uri": "index.php?"
     [exec]     },
     [exec]     "script_name": "index.php",
     [exec]     "microhistory": "",
     [exec]     "steps": "description"
     [exec] }</pre>".
     [exec] <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/test/classes/ErrorReportTest.php>:183
     [exec] FAILURES!
     [exec] Tests: 2330, Assertions: 7831, Failures: 1.

<https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/build.xml>:33: exec returned: 1

Total time: 10 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
[CHECKSTYLE] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[JSLINT] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[DRY] Collecting duplicate code analysis files...
[DRY] Searching for all files in <https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/> that match the pattern build/logs/pmd-cpd.xml
[DRY] No files found. Configuration error?
[DRY] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #15154
[TASKS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[ANALYSIS-COLLECTOR] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #15154
Recording plot data
INFO: Starting to record.
INFO: Processing PHPUnit-3.x (default)
INFO: [PHPUnit-3.x (default)] - 1 test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'build/logs/junit.xml' relative to '<https://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin-continuous/ws/'> for the testing framework 'PHPUnit-3.x (default)'.
INFO: Check 'Failed Tests' threshold.
INFO: Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold.
INFO: Setting the build status to FAILURE
INFO: Stopping recording.

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