[phpMyAdmin Developers] Encapsulation Errors (major, very annoying)

Frederic Steinfels fst at highdefinition.ch
Sun Nov 17 20:54:41 CET 2019


When editing a trigger (and probably also stored procedures), when 
writing something like

SET ctype=REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(ctype,'^enum\\(',''),'\\)$','');

And saving it, it will show as

SET ctype=REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(ctype,'^enum\(',''),'\)$','');

when reopening it. When saving that and reopening it, it will show as

SET ctype=REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(ctype,'^enum(',''),')$','');

Those backslash character seem to be incorrectly handled.

Thanks for fixing. I honestly wonder why nobody found this over all 
those years.


Frederic Steinfels
F. Steinfels Hard- & Software
Seestrasse 110b
8610 Uster
043 544 08 08

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