[phpMyAdmin Developers] Losing Data

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 05:25:52 CET 2020


This sounds like a possible situation where Amazon cloud data isn't
persisting in the way you expect, although I am by no means an EC2/AWS
expert. An alternative explanation could be that it is plausible that you
have some vulnerable application exposed (WordPress, Joomla!, and other CMS
platforms sometimes have plugins that are quite vulnerable, for example),
or even a phpMyAdmin instance with poor password security. If an attacker
is able to gain access to your system, they could conceivably delete your
data to be malicious. I probably couldn't guess which is a more likely.

I should assure you that phpMyAdmin has no means by which it automatically
prunes data, and if you've got proper credentials with strong passwords for
all of your accounts, it's rather unlikely that phpMyAdmin is at fault
through negligence or flaw.

It's my understanding that an instance store-backed instance does not
persist data after the instance is terminated (or fails), but again, it's
not my area of expertise.

Good luck to you,
Isaac for the phpMyAdmin team

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 5:53 PM Zhenrui Chen <chenzhenrui1970 at hotmail.com>

> Hello, I host my website on EC2 of Amazon, using XAMPP,  I regularly lose data
> and I had to perform a stop/start of the instance of EC2 and restore the
> data manually again. The most recent occurrence of this was between today
> and 1/28/2020. I had the exact same setup on my local machine and I do not
> see any issues on my local PC.
> Do you have same problems happened before?
> Thanks.
> Zhenrui Chen
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