[Phpmyadmin-git] [SCM] phpMyAdmin branch, master, updated. RELEASE_3_3_1RC1-265-g7838925

Marc Delisle lem9 at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 25 18:28:34 CET 2010

The branch, master has been updated
       via  783892518ce82c32374a6a643396244eff4c0ad3 (commit)
      from  719d6dd9f0c634fe49c121b4775f77a6953a954b (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 783892518ce82c32374a6a643396244eff4c0ad3
Author: Marc Delisle <marc at infomarc.info>
Date:   Thu Mar 25 13:27:58 2010 -0400

    Replace MooRainbow with a jQuery color picker


Summary of changes:
 js/mooRainbow/images/blank.gif         |  Bin 43 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_arrows.gif   |  Bin 94 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_boverlay.png |  Bin 799 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_cursor.gif   |  Bin 80 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_slider.png   |  Bin 590 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_woverlay.png |  Bin 768 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/images/rainbow.png       |  Bin 794 -> 0 bytes
 js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.css           |  114 -------
 js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.js            |  563 --------------------------------
 js/mootools-domready-rainbow.js        |   16 -
 libraries/common.inc.php               |    2 -
 libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php    |   11 +-
 main.php                               |   39 ++-
 13 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 707 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/blank.gif
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_arrows.gif
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_boverlay.png
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_cursor.gif
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_slider.png
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/moor_woverlay.png
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/images/rainbow.png
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.css
 delete mode 100644 js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.js
 delete mode 100644 js/mootools-domready-rainbow.js

diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/blank.gif b/js/mooRainbow/images/blank.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index c9c195f..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/blank.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_arrows.gif b/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_arrows.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index c57addc..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_arrows.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_boverlay.png b/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_boverlay.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac228b..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_boverlay.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_cursor.gif b/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_cursor.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 9515a38..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_cursor.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_slider.png b/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_slider.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f4c47b..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_slider.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_woverlay.png b/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_woverlay.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f3e96..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/moor_woverlay.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/images/rainbow.png b/js/mooRainbow/images/rainbow.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a62ec90..0000000
Binary files a/js/mooRainbow/images/rainbow.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.css b/js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 764664e..0000000
--- a/js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@

- *  - mooRainbow: defaultCSS

- * author: w00fz <w00fzIT at gmail.com>

- */


-#mooRainbow { font-size: 11px; color: #000; }


-.moor-box {

-	width: 390px; 

-	height: 310px; 

-	border: 1px solid #636163; 

-	background-color: #f9f9f9;


-.moor-overlayBox {

-	width: 256px; /* Width and Height of the overlay must be setted here: default 256x256 */

-	height: 256px; 

-	margin-top: 9px; 

-	margin-left: 9px;

-	border: 1px solid #000;


-.moor-slider {

-	border: 1px solid #000;

-	margin-top: 9px; 

-	margin-left: 280px;

-	width: 19px; /* if you want a bigger or smaller slider... */

-	height: 256px;


-.moor-colorBox {

-	border: 1px solid #000; 

-	width: 59px; 

-	height: 68px; 

-	margin-top: 20px; 

-	margin-left: 315px;


-.moor-currentColor { /* Bottom Box Color, the backup one */

-	margin-top: 55px; 

-	margin-left: 316px; 

-	width: 59px; 

-	height: 34px;


-.moor-okButton {

-	font-family: Tahoma;

-	font-weight: bold;

-	font-size: 11px;

-	margin-top: 278px;

-	margin-left: 8px;

-	background: #e6e6e6;

-	height: 23px;

-	border: 1px solid #d6d6d6;

-	border-left-color: #f5f5f5;

-	border-top-color: #f5f5f5;


-#mooRainbow label {

-	font-family: mono;


-/* Following are just <label> */

-.moor-rLabel {

-	margin-top: 100px;

-	margin-left: 315px;


-.moor-gLabel {

-	margin-top: 125px;

-	margin-left: 315px;


-.moor-bLabel {

-	margin-top: 150px;

-	margin-left: 315px;


-.moor-HueLabel {

-	margin-top: 190px;

-	margin-left: 315px;


-span.moor-ballino { /* Style hue ° (degree) !! */

-	margin-top: 190px;

-	margin-left: 370px;


-.moor-SatuLabel {

-	margin-top: 215px;

-	margin-left: 315px;


-.moor-BrighLabel {

-	margin-top: 240px;

-	margin-left: 315px;


-.moor-hexLabel {

-	margin-top: 275px;

-	margin-left: 280px;



-/* <input> */

-.moor-rInput, .moor-gInput, .moor-bInput, .moor-HueInput, .moor-SatuInput, .moor-BrighInput { 

-	width: 30px;


-.moor-hexInput {

-	width: 55px;


-.moor-cursor {

-	background-image: url(images/moor_cursor.gif); 

-	width: 12px;

-	height: 12px;


-.moor-arrows {

-	background-image: url(images/moor_arrows.gif);

-	top: 9px; 

-	left: 270px;

-	width: 41px;

-	height: 9px;


-.moor-chooseColor { /* Top Box Color, the choosen one */

-	margin-top: 21px; 

-	margin-left: 316px; 

-	width: 59px; 

-	height: 34px;

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.js b/js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c355a73..0000000
--- a/js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
- * MooRainbow
- *
- * @version		1.2b1
- * @license		MIT-style license
- * @author		Djamil Legato (w00fz) - < w00fzIT [at] gmail.com >
- * @infos		http://moorainbow.woolly-sheep.net
- * @copyright	Author
- * 
- * includes a fix for mootools 1.2 by Piotr Przybylski
- */
-var MooRainbow = new Class({
-	Implements: [Options, Events],
-	options: {
-		id: 'mooRainbow',
-		prefix: 'moor-',
-		imgPath: 'images/',
-		startColor: [255, 0, 0],
-		wheel: false,
-		onComplete: Class.empty,
-		onChange: Class.empty,
-		selectText: 'Select'
-	},
-	initialize: function(el, options) {
-		this.element = $(el); if (!this.element) return;
-		this.setOptions(options);
-		this.sliderPos = 0;
-		this.pickerPos = {x: 0, y: 0};
-		this.backupColor = this.options.startColor;
-		this.currentColor = this.options.startColor;
-		this.sets = {
-			rgb: [],
-			hsb: [],
-			hex: []	
-		};
-		this.pickerClick = this.sliderClick  = false;
-		if (!this.layout) this.doLayout();
-		this.OverlayEvents();
-		this.sliderEvents();
-		this.backupEvent();
-		if (this.options.wheel) this.wheelEvents();
-		this.element.addEvent('click', function(e) { this.toggle(e); }.bind(this));
-		this.layout.overlay.setStyle('background-color', this.options.startColor.rgbToHex());
-		this.layout.backup.setStyle('background-color', this.backupColor.rgbToHex());
-		this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
-		this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
-		this.manualSet(this.options.startColor);
-		this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
-		this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
-		this.sliderPos = this.snippet('arrPos') - this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
-		if (Browser.Engine.webkit) this.hide();
-	},
-	toggle: function() {
-		this[this.visible ? 'hide' : 'show']()
-	},
-	show: function() {
-		this.rePosition();
-		this.layout.setStyle('display', 'block');
-		this.visible = true;
-	},
-	hide: function() {
-		this.layout.setStyles({'display': 'none'});
-		this.visible = false;
-	},
-	manualSet: function(color, type) {
-		if (!type || (type != 'hsb' && type != 'hex')) type = 'rgb';
-		var rgb, hsb, hex;
-		if (type == 'rgb') { rgb = color; hsb = color.rgbToHsb(); hex = color.rgbToHex(); } 
-		else if (type == 'hsb') { hsb = color; rgb = color.hsbToRgb(); hex = rgb.rgbToHex(); }
-		else { hex = color; rgb = color.hexToRgb(true); hsb = rgb.rgbToHsb(); }
-		this.setMooRainbow(rgb);
-		this.autoSet(hsb);
-	},
-	autoSet: function(hsb) {
-		var curH = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
-		var curW = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
-		var oveH = this.layout.overlay.height;
-		var oveW = this.layout.overlay.width;
-		var sliH = this.layout.slider.height;
-		var arwH = this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
-		var hue;
-		var posx = Math.round(((oveW * hsb[1]) / 100) - curW);
-		var posy = Math.round(- ((oveH * hsb[2]) / 100) + oveH - curH);
-		var c = Math.round(((sliH * hsb[0]) / 360)); c = (c == 360) ? 0 : c;
-		var position = sliH - c + this.snippet('slider') - arwH;
-		hue = [this.sets.hsb[0], 100, 100].hsbToRgb().rgbToHex();
-		this.layout.cursor.setStyles({'top': posy, 'left': posx});
-		this.layout.arrows.setStyle('top', position);
-		this.layout.overlay.setStyle('background-color', hue);
-		this.sliderPos = this.snippet('arrPos') - arwH;
-		this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + curW;
-		this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + curH;
-	},
-	setMooRainbow: function(color, type) {
-		if (!type || (type != 'hsb' && type != 'hex')) type = 'rgb';
-		var rgb, hsb, hex;
-		if (type == 'rgb') { rgb = color; hsb = color.rgbToHsb(); hex = color.rgbToHex(); } 
-		else if (type == 'hsb') { hsb = color; rgb = color.hsbToRgb(); hex = rgb.rgbToHex(); }
-		else { hex = color; rgb = color.hexToRgb(); hsb = rgb.rgbToHsb(); }
-		this.sets = {
-			rgb: rgb,
-			hsb: hsb,
-			hex: hex
-		};
-		if (!$chk(this.pickerPos.x))
-			this.autoSet(hsb);		
-		this.RedInput.value = rgb[0];
-		this.GreenInput.value = rgb[1];
-		this.BlueInput.value = rgb[2];
-		this.HueInput.value = hsb[0];
-		this.SatuInput.value =  hsb[1];
-		this.BrighInput.value = hsb[2];
-		this.hexInput.value = hex;
-		this.currentColor = rgb;
-		this.chooseColor.setStyle('background-color', rgb.rgbToHex());
-	},
-	parseColors: function(x, y, z) {
-		var s = Math.round((x * 100) / this.layout.overlay.width);
-		var b = 100 - Math.round((y * 100) / this.layout.overlay.height);
-		var h = 360 - Math.round((z * 360) / this.layout.slider.height) + this.snippet('slider') - this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
-		h -= this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
-		h = (h >= 360) ? 0 : (h < 0) ? 0 : h;
-		s = (s > 100) ? 100 : (s < 0) ? 0 : s;
-		b = (b > 100) ? 100 : (b < 0) ? 0 : b;
-		return [h, s, b];
-	},
-	OverlayEvents: function() {
-		var lim, curH, curW, inputs;
-		curH = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
-		curW = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
-		inputs = $A(this.arrRGB).concat(this.arrHSB, this.hexInput);
-		document.addEvent('click', function() { 
-			if(this.visible) this.hide(this.layout); 
-		}.bind(this));
-		inputs.each(function(el) {
-			if(el) {
-				el.addEvent('keydown', this.eventKeydown.bindWithEvent(this, el));
-				el.addEvent('keyup', this.eventKeyup.bindWithEvent(this, el));
-			}
-		}, this);
-		[this.element, this.layout].each(function(el) {
-			el.addEvents({
-				'click': function(e) { new Event(e).stop();},
-				'keyup': function(e) {
-					e = new Event(e);
-					if(e.key == 'esc' && this.visible) this.hide(this.layout);
-				}.bind(this)
-			}, this);
-		}, this);
-		lim = {
-			x: [0 - curW, (this.layout.overlay.width - curW)],
-			y: [0 - curH, (this.layout.overlay.height - curH)]
-		};
-		this.layout.drag = new Drag(this.layout.cursor, {
-			limit: lim,
-			onStart: this.overlayDrag.bind(this),
-			onDrag: this.overlayDrag.bind(this),
-			snap: 0
-		});	
-		this.layout.overlay2.addEvent('mousedown', function(e){
-			e = new Event(e);
-			this.layout.cursor.setStyles({
-				'top': e.page.y - this.layout.overlay.getPosition().y - curH,
-				'left': e.page.x - this.layout.overlay.getPosition().x - curW
-			});
-			this.overlayDrag();
-			this.layout.drag.start(e);
-		}.bind(this));
-		this.okButton.addEvent('click', function() {
-			if(this.currentColor == this.options.startColor) {
-				this.hide();
-				this.fireEvent('onComplete', [this.sets, this]);
-			}
-			else {
-				this.backupColor = this.currentColor;
-				this.layout.backup.setStyle('background-color', this.backupColor.rgbToHex());
-				this.hide();
-				this.fireEvent('onComplete', [this.sets, this]);
-			}
-		}.bind(this));
-	},
-	overlayDrag: function() {
-		var curH = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
-		var curW = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
-		this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + curW;
-		this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + curH;
-		this.setMooRainbow(this.parseColors(this.pickerPos.x, this.pickerPos.y, this.sliderPos), 'hsb');
-		this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-	},
-	sliderEvents: function() {
-		var arwH = this.snippet('arrSize', 'int'), lim;
-		lim = [0 + this.snippet('slider') - arwH, this.layout.slider.height - arwH + this.snippet('slider')];
-		this.layout.sliderDrag = new Drag(this.layout.arrows, {
-			limit: {y: lim},
-			modifiers: {x: false},
-			onStart: this.sliderDrag.bind(this),
-			onDrag: this.sliderDrag.bind(this),
-			snap: 0
-		});	
-		this.layout.slider.addEvent('mousedown', function(e){
-			e = new Event(e);
-			this.layout.arrows.setStyle(
-				'top', e.page.y - this.layout.slider.getPosition().y + this.snippet('slider') - arwH
-			);
-			this.sliderDrag();
-			this.layout.sliderDrag.start(e);
-		}.bind(this));
-	},
-	sliderDrag: function() {
-		var arwH = this.snippet('arrSize', 'int'), hue;
-		this.sliderPos = this.snippet('arrPos') - arwH;
-		this.setMooRainbow(this.parseColors(this.pickerPos.x, this.pickerPos.y, this.sliderPos), 'hsb');
-		hue = [this.sets.hsb[0], 100, 100].hsbToRgb().rgbToHex();
-		this.layout.overlay.setStyle('background-color', hue);
-		this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-	},
-	backupEvent: function() {
-		this.layout.backup.addEvent('click', function() {
-			this.manualSet(this.backupColor);
-			this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-		}.bind(this));
-	},
-	wheelEvents: function() {
-		var arrColors = $A(this.arrRGB).extend(this.arrHSB);
-		arrColors.each(function(el) {
-			el.addEvents({
-				'mousewheel': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, el),
-				'keydown': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, el)
-			});
-		}, this);
-		[this.layout.arrows, this.layout.slider].each(function(el) {
-			el.addEvents({
-				'mousewheel': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, [this.arrHSB[0], 'slider']),
-				'keydown': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, [this.arrHSB[0], 'slider'])
-			});
-		}, this);
-	},
-	eventKeys: function(e, el, id) {
-		var wheel, type;
-		id = (!id) ? el.id : this.arrHSB[0];
-		if (e.type == 'keydown') {
-			if (e.key == 'up') wheel = 1;
-			else if (e.key == 'down') wheel = -1;
-			else return;
-		} else if (e.type == Element.Events.mousewheel.base) wheel = (e.wheel > 0) ? 1 : -1;
-		if (this.arrRGB.contains(el)) type = 'rgb';
-		else if (this.arrHSB.contains(el)) type = 'hsb';
-		else type = 'hsb';
-		if (type == 'rgb') {
-			var rgb = this.sets.rgb, hsb = this.sets.hsb, prefix = this.options.prefix, pass;
-			var value = (el.value.toInt() || 0) + wheel;
-			value = (value > 255) ? 255 : (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
-			switch(el.className) {
-				case prefix + 'rInput': pass = [value, rgb[1], rgb[2]];	break;
-				case prefix + 'gInput': pass = [rgb[0], value, rgb[2]];	break;
-				case prefix + 'bInput':	pass = [rgb[0], rgb[1], value];	break;
-				default : pass = rgb;
-			}
-			this.manualSet(pass);
-			this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-		} else {
-			var rgb = this.sets.rgb, hsb = this.sets.hsb, prefix = this.options.prefix, pass;
-			var value = (el.value.toInt() || 0) + wheel;
-			if (el.className.test(/(HueInput)/)) value = (value > 359) ? 0 : (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
-			else value = (value > 100) ? 100 : (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
-			switch(el.className) {
-				case prefix + 'HueInput': pass = [value, hsb[1], hsb[2]]; break;
-				case prefix + 'SatuInput': pass = [hsb[0], value, hsb[2]]; break;
-				case prefix + 'BrighInput':	pass = [hsb[0], hsb[1], value]; break;
-				default : pass = hsb;
-			}
-			this.manualSet(pass, 'hsb');
-			this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-		}
-		e.stop();
-	},
-	eventKeydown: function(e, el) {
-		var n = e.code, k = e.key;
-		if 	((!el.className.test(/hexInput/) && !(n >= 48 && n <= 57)) &&
-			(k!='backspace' && k!='tab' && k !='delete' && k!='left' && k!='right'))
-		e.stop();
-	},
-	eventKeyup: function(e, el) {
-		var n = e.code, k = e.key, pass, prefix, chr = el.value.charAt(0);
-		if (!$chk(el.value)) return;
-		if (el.className.test(/hexInput/)) {
-			if (chr != "#" && el.value.length != 6) return;
-			if (chr == '#' && el.value.length != 7) return;
-		} else {
-			if (!(n >= 48 && n <= 57) && (!['backspace', 'tab', 'delete', 'left', 'right'].contains(k)) && el.value.length > 3) return;
-		}
-		prefix = this.options.prefix;
-		if (el.className.test(/(rInput|gInput|bInput)/)) {
-			if (el.value  < 0 || el.value > 255) return;
-			switch(el.className){
-				case prefix + 'rInput': pass = [el.value, this.sets.rgb[1], this.sets.rgb[2]]; break;
-				case prefix + 'gInput': pass = [this.sets.rgb[0], el.value, this.sets.rgb[2]]; break;
-				case prefix + 'bInput': pass = [this.sets.rgb[0], this.sets.rgb[1], el.value]; break;
-				default : pass = this.sets.rgb;
-			}
-			this.manualSet(pass);
-			this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-		}
-		else if (!el.className.test(/hexInput/)) {
-			if (el.className.test(/HueInput/) && el.value  < 0 || el.value > 360) return;
-			else if (el.className.test(/HueInput/) && el.value == 360) el.value = 0;
-			else if (el.className.test(/(SatuInput|BrighInput)/) && el.value  < 0 || el.value > 100) return;
-			switch(el.className){
-				case prefix + 'HueInput': pass = [el.value, this.sets.hsb[1], this.sets.hsb[2]]; break;
-				case prefix + 'SatuInput': pass = [this.sets.hsb[0], el.value, this.sets.hsb[2]]; break;
-				case prefix + 'BrighInput': pass = [this.sets.hsb[0], this.sets.hsb[1], el.value]; break;
-				default : pass = this.sets.hsb;
-			}
-			this.manualSet(pass, 'hsb');
-			this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-		} else {
-			pass = el.value.hexToRgb(true);
-			if (isNaN(pass[0])||isNaN(pass[1])||isNaN(pass[2])) return;
-			if ($chk(pass)) {
-				this.manualSet(pass);
-				this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	doLayout: function() {
-		var id = this.options.id, prefix = this.options.prefix;
-		var idPrefix = id + ' .' + prefix;
-		this.layout = new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'display': 'block', 'position': 'absolute'},
-			'id': id
-		}).inject(document.body);
-		var box = new Element('div', {
-			'styles':  {'position': 'relative'},
-			'class': prefix + 'box'
-		}).inject(this.layout);
-		var div = new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'overflow': 'hidden'},
-			'class': prefix + 'overlayBox'
-		}).inject(box);
-		var ar = new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'zIndex': 1},
-			'class': prefix + 'arrows'
-		}).inject(box);
-		ar.width = ar.getStyle('width').toInt();
-		ar.height = ar.getStyle('height').toInt();
-		var ov = new Element('img', {
-			'styles': {'background-color': '#fff', 'position': 'relative', 'zIndex': 2},
-			'src': this.options.imgPath + 'moor_woverlay.png',
-			'class': prefix + 'overlay'
-		}).inject(div);
-		var ov2 = new Element('img', {
-			'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'zIndex': 2},
-			'src': this.options.imgPath + 'moor_boverlay.png',
-			'class': prefix + 'overlay'
-		}).inject(div);
-		if (Browser.Engine.trident4) {
-			div.setStyle('overflow', '');
-			var src = ov.src;
-			ov.src = this.options.imgPath + 'blank.gif';
-			ov.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')";
-			src = ov2.src;
-			ov2.src = this.options.imgPath + 'blank.gif';
-			ov2.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')";
-		}
-		ov.width = ov2.width = div.getStyle('width').toInt();
-		ov.height = ov2.height = div.getStyle('height').toInt();
-		var cr = new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'absolute', 'zIndex': 2},
-			'class': prefix + 'cursor'	
-		}).inject(div);
-		cr.width = cr.getStyle('width').toInt();
-		cr.height = cr.getStyle('height').toInt();
-		var sl = new Element('img', {
-			'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': 2},
-			'src': this.options.imgPath + 'moor_slider.png',
-			'class': prefix + 'slider'
-		}).inject(box);
-		this.layout.slider = sl;
-		sl.width = sl.getStyle('width').toInt();
-		sl.height = sl.getStyle('height').toInt();
-		new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'position': 'absolute'},
-			'class': prefix + 'colorBox'
-		}).inject(box);
-		new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'zIndex': 2, 'position': 'absolute'},
-			'class': prefix + 'chooseColor'
-		}).inject(box);
-		this.layout.backup = new Element('div', {
-			'styles': {'zIndex': 2, 'position': 'absolute', 'cursor': 'pointer'},
-			'class': prefix + 'currentColor'
-		}).inject(box);
-		var R = new Element('label').inject(box).setStyle('position', 'absolute');
-		var G = R.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'gLabel').set('html', 'G: ');
-		var B = R.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'bLabel').set('html', 'B: ');
-		R.set('html', 'R: ').addClass(prefix + 'rLabel');
-		var inputR = new Element('input');
-		var inputG = inputR.clone().inject(G).addClass(prefix + 'gInput');
-		var inputB = inputR.clone().inject(B).addClass(prefix + 'bInput');
-		inputR.inject(R).addClass(prefix + 'rInput');
-		var HU = new Element('label').inject(box).setStyle('position', 'absolute');
-		var SA = HU.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'SatuLabel').set('html', 'S: ');
-		var BR = HU.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'BrighLabel').set('html', 'B: ');
-		HU.set('html', 'H: ').addClass(prefix + 'HueLabel');
-		var inputHU = new Element('input');
-		var inputSA = inputHU.clone().inject(SA).addClass(prefix + 'SatuInput');
-		var inputBR = inputHU.clone().inject(BR).addClass(prefix + 'BrighInput');
-		inputHU.inject(HU).addClass(prefix + 'HueInput');
-		SA.innerHTML += " %"; BR.innerHTML += " %";
-		SP = new Element('span', {'styles': {'position': 'absolute'}, 'class': prefix + 'ballino'})
-		SP.innerHTML = " °"
-		SP.inject(HU,'after');
-		var hex = new Element('label').inject(box).setStyle('position', 'absolute').addClass(prefix + 'hexLabel').set('html', '#hex: ').adopt(new Element('input').addClass(prefix + 'hexInput'));
-		var ok = new Element('input', {
-			'styles': {'position': 'absolute'},
-			'type': 'button',
-			'value': this.options.selectText,
-			'class': prefix + 'okButton'
-		}).inject(box);
-		this.rePosition();
-		var overlays = $$('#' + id + ' .' + prefix + 'overlay');
-		this.layout.overlay = overlays[0];
-		this.layout.overlay2 = overlays[1];
-		this.layout.cursor = cr;
-		this.layout.arrows = ar;
-		this.chooseColor = this.layout.getElement('.' + prefix + 'chooseColor');
-		this.RedInput = inputR;
-		this.GreenInput = inputG;
-		this.BlueInput = inputB;
-		this.HueInput = inputHU;
-		this.SatuInput = this.layout.getElement('.' + prefix + 'SatuInput');
-		this.BrighInput = this.layout.getElement('.' + prefix + 'BrighInput');
-		this.hexInput = this.layout.getElement('.' + prefix + 'hexInput');;
-		this.arrRGB = [this.RedInput, this.GreenInput, this.BlueInput];
-		this.arrHSB = [this.HueInput, this.SatuInput, this.BrighInput];
-		this.okButton = ok;
-		if (!Browser.Engine.webkit419) this.hide();
-	},
-	rePosition: function() {
-		var coords = this.element.getCoordinates();
-		this.layout.setStyles({
-			'left': coords.left,
-			'top': coords.top + coords.height + 1
-		});
-	},
-	snippet: function(mode, type) {
-		var size; type = (type) ? type : 'none';
-		switch(mode) {
-			case 'arrPos':
-				var t = this.layout.arrows.getStyle('top').toInt();
-				size = t;
-				break;
-			case 'arrSize': 
-				var h = this.layout.arrows.height;
-				h = (type == 'int') ? (h/2).toInt() : h;
-				size = h;
-				break;		
-			case 'curPos':
-				var l = this.layout.cursor.getStyle('left').toInt();
-				var t = this.layout.cursor.getStyle('top').toInt();
-				size = {'l': l, 't': t};
-				break;
-			case 'slider':
-				var t = this.layout.slider.getStyle('marginTop').toInt();
-				size = t;
-				break;
-			default :
-				var h = this.layout.cursor.height;
-				var w = this.layout.cursor.width;
-				h = (type == 'int') ? (h/2).toInt() : h;
-				w = (type == 'int') ? (w/2).toInt() : w;
-				size = {w: w, h: h};
-		};
-		return size;
-	}
diff --git a/js/mootools-domready-rainbow.js b/js/mootools-domready-rainbow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40041df..0000000
--- a/js/mootools-domready-rainbow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-window.addEvent('domready', function() {
-	var r = new MooRainbow('myRainbow', {
-		'startColor': [58, 142, 246],
-		'imgPath': 'js/mooRainbow/images/',
-		'onChange': function(color) {
-			top.frame_navigation.document.getElementById('body_leftFrame').style.backgroundColor = color.hex;
-			top.frame_navigation.document.getElementById('pmalogo').style.backgroundColor = color.hex;
-			top.frame_content.document.body.style.backgroundColor = color.hex;
-			},
-		'onComplete': function(color) {
-			top.frame_content.document.getElementById('rainbowform').custom_color.value = color.hex;
-			top.frame_content.document.getElementById('rainbowform').custom_color_rgb.value = color.rgb;
-			top.frame_content.document.getElementById('rainbowform').submit();
-			}
-	});
diff --git a/libraries/common.inc.php b/libraries/common.inc.php
index 11c5f8b..5a4afc4 100644
--- a/libraries/common.inc.php
+++ b/libraries/common.inc.php
@@ -666,10 +666,8 @@ unset($default_server);
 if (isset($_REQUEST['custom_color_reset'])) {
-    unset($_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['custom_color_rgb']);
 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['custom_color'])) {
     $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['custom_color'] = $_REQUEST['custom_color'];
-    $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['custom_color_rgb'] = $_REQUEST['custom_color_rgb'];
  * @global PMA_Theme_Manager $_SESSION['PMA_Theme_Manager']
diff --git a/libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php b/libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php
index 5413be6..c6c6f96 100644
--- a/libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php
+++ b/libraries/header_meta_style.inc.php
@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] == 'ltr') {
         echo 'phpMyAdmin';
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo defined('PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR') ? PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR : ''; ?>phpmyadmin.css.php?<?php echo PMA_generate_common_url(); ?>&js_frame=<?php echo isset($print_view) ? 'print' : 'right'; ?>&nocache=<?php echo $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getThemeUniqueValue(); ?>" />
-<?php if (defined('PMA_MOORAINBOW')) { ?>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/mooRainbow/mooRainbow.css" />
+// goes before our themed CSS
+    if (defined('PMA_COLORPICKER')) { ?>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="js/colorpicker/css/layout.css" />
-      }
+    }
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo defined('PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR') ? PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR : ''; ?>phpmyadmin.css.php?<?php echo PMA_generate_common_url(); ?>&js_frame=<?php echo isset($print_view) ? 'print' : 'right'; ?>&nocache=<?php echo $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->getThemeUniqueValue(); ?>" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo defined('PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR') ? PMA_PATH_TO_BASEDIR : ''; ?>print.css" media="print" />
     <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
diff --git a/main.php b/main.php
index ef9c6b5..36a8125 100644
--- a/main.php
+++ b/main.php
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
  * Gets some core libraries and displays a top message if required
-define('PMA_MOORAINBOW', true);
+define('PMA_COLORPICKER', true);
 require_once './libraries/common.inc.php';
-$GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'mootools-more.js';
-$GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'mooRainbow/mooRainbow.js';
-$GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'mootools-domready-rainbow.js';
+$GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'jquery/jquery-1.4.2-min.js';
+$GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'colorpicker/js/colorpicker.js';
 // Handles some variables that may have been sent by the calling script
 $GLOBALS['db'] = '';
@@ -159,14 +159,37 @@ if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemeManager']) {
     document.write('<li id="li_custom_color">');
     document.write('<?php echo PMA_escapeJsString($strCustomColor) . ': '; ?>');
-    document.write('<img id="myRainbow" src="js/mooRainbow/images/rainbow.png" alt="[r]" width="16" height="16" />');
-    document.write('<form name="rainbowform" id="rainbowform" method="post" action="index.php" target="_parent">');
+    document.write('<form name="colorform" id="colorform" method="post" action="index.php" target="_parent">');
     document.write('<?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs(); ?>');
-    document.write('<input type="hidden" name="custom_color" />');
-    document.write('<input type="hidden" name="custom_color_rgb" />');
+    document.write('<input type="hidden" id="custom_color" name="custom_color" value="" />');
     document.write('<input type="submit" name="custom_color_reset" value="<?php echo $strReset; ?>" />');
+    document.write('<div id="colorSelector">');
+    document.write('</div>');
+    $(document).ready(function() {
+        // Choosing another id does not work! 
+        $('#colorSelector').ColorPicker({
+            color: '#0000ff',
+            onShow: function (colpkr) {
+                $(colpkr).fadeIn(500);
+                return false;
+            },
+            onHide: function (colpkr) {
+                $(colpkr).fadeOut(500);
+                return false;
+            },
+            onChange: function(hsb, hex, rgb) {
+                top.frame_content.document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#' + hex;
+                top.frame_navigation.document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#' + hex;
+            },
+            onSubmit: function(hsb, hex, rgb) {
+                $('#custom_color').val('#' + hex);
+                $('#colorform').submit();
+            }
+        });
+    });


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