[phpMyAdmin News] phpMyAdmin 4.9.4 and 5.0.1 are released

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 03:43:19 CET 2020

The phpMyAdmin team announces the release of versions 4.9.4 and 5.0.1.

As a reminder, version 4.x is in the LTS phase, where only security
fixes and critical bug fixes are made. Users are suggested to migrate to
version 5.

These releases address two issues, a problem with two-factor
authentication that was introduced with the last releases, and a fix for
an SQL injection vulnerability that was reported by CSW Research Labs
<https://twitter.com/cswcyberworks>. This vulnerability is assigned
PMASA-2020-1 and requires that the attacker have logged in through a
valid MySQL account.

Known issue: the reported current release version may display
incorrectly on the main page (for instance, "Version information: 5.0.1,
latest stable version: 4.9.4"). This is expected to be fixed in the next
routine bug fix release.

Downloads are available at phpmyadmin.net.

Happy new year,
the phpMyAdmin team

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