[phpMyAdmin News] phpMyAdmin security release pre-release announcement

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 05:07:00 CEST 2020


The phpMyAdmin team is announcing that we are preparing a security fix
which we plan to release Friday, tomorrow, approximately 20-24 hours
from now.

The attack vector requires the attacker to have login access or be able
to trick a victim who has access to a database server. Both the 4.9 and
5.0 branches will be updated.

This announcement is part of our ongoing effort to announce security
releases in advance, when available, and should not be interpreted as
any commentary on the details or severity of any specific vulnerability.

If you have questions or concerns, you can reach me directly or contact
the security team at security at phpmyadmin.net.

Isaac for the phpMyAdmin team

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