[Phpmyadmin-devel] SQL parser

Robin Johnson robbat2 at fermi.orbis-terrarum.net
Mon Jul 22 17:12:02 CEST 2002

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Div Loïc wrote:
> Some coding standard fixes also :
> - function names should not contain escaped charcters
>   except after the "PMA" prefix ie "PMA_number_inrange()"
>   should be "PMA_numberInRange".
I have a request to make of the list.
In the interests of keeping the code seperate, and having managable
functin names, are sub-prefixes permissiable to better indicate the
seperation of code ?

Eg for my Parser
The prefix could be either
PMAsqp_ or PMA_SQP_

(I'd go for the second one, as it is still compliant with the PEAR naming
conventions <http://pear.php.net/manual/en/standards.naming.php>)

As things stand, I have been using
PMA_sqlParser_* for functions specific to the parser
PMA_str_* for functions dealing with strings
and PMA_* for functions not directly specific to the parser (the character
type matching for example).

> I've modified your "sqlparse.php3" file in order it fits
> PEAR coding standards (excpet comments for function) and
> may run with PHP3. But I can't test it before the end of
> the week. You'll find it attached to this message.
>From seeing your work, I've made most of the changes in my own codebase
with the suggestions from the list.

Robin Hugh Johnson
E-Mail     : robbat2 at orbis-terrarum.net
Home Page  : http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
ICQ#       : 30269588 or 41961639

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