[Phpmyadmin-devel] Roadmap? Feature plans for PMA 3.0?

Olivier Mueller om-lists-phpmyadmin at omx.ch
Thu Apr 15 06:59:02 CEST 2004


On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 12:23 +0200, Garvin Hicking wrote:
> - Get sessions to work, to get around POST/GETing the SQL query or the resultset
> data from page to page. This is the reason for many timeout/browser problems
> when editing records

using php-sessions, or a custom system, based for example on a mysql

> - Have DB-stored configuration with user-management, where a PMA user can tweak
> his own settings regarding colors, maxrows, sql query window et al

just tell: how often a year do you change your PMA colors and
maxrows? :)     

> - Have a nice installer

+++  (even before 3.0 :)

> - Support transactions and other MySQL 5 features


> - After that is all done, make PMA work on all OpenSource RDBMS ;)

This would be interesting, but would not be phpmyadmin anymore.
This could be called 'PearDbAdmin', 'PhpDbAdmin', 'PhpAdodbAdmin',
etc... :)

just googled a bit: phpdbadmin is already there, at least on SF:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpdbadmin/, but: 
"Development Status: 1 - Planning", and seems to be dead. Description
is: "PHP-based (multiple-)database administration utility. Bringing
multiple database servers and multiple databases together into one
simple web-based interface. The power of PHP and the ease of the web.
Currently planned to allow easy simultaneous access"

> I'm curious what the others think about the plans...

some random ideas for 3.0:

- get rid of all the HTML/javascript code from the PHP files
  -> templates. would require quite a lot of work, so 
     probably it would be good to start from scratch
- focus on php5/mysql 4.1+ only  (and of course continue to improve
  PMA 2.x for php4 and mysql4)
- newbie / expert mode  (newbie -> for example to let my mother update
  her guestbook entries, expert -> for php devels, etc.)
- use "standard" gettext/po files for translations 
- online interface for translations (put all the strings in a db, to
  let the translators update their stuff directely)
- ...  (I once had a list with many other ideas, will look for it :)

 Olivier Müller - PGP key ID: 0x0E84D2EA - Switzerland 
    E-Mail: http://omx.ch/mail/ - AIM/iChat: swix3k

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