[Phpmyadmin-devel] OpenGIS Datatypes (mysql >= 4.1)

Alexander M. Turek alexander.turek at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri Apr 16 15:19:01 CEST 2004

Hi Marcel & list,

Marcel Tschopp wrote:
> I thought about integrating OpenGIS datatypes in phpMyAdmin.

We'll have to, sooner or later. The sooner, the better.

> They are available for mysql >= 4.1.

I know, but I haven't had a look at them yet.

> What do you think about integrating them? Should we make them 
> work for PMA 2.6.0 or not?

Could you? :-)



Alexander M. Turek
<rabus at users.sourceforge.net>

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