[Phpmyadmin-devel] Catching up with you

Alexander M. Turek me at derrabus.de
Wed Oct 19 10:22:11 CEST 2005

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Hi guys,

As you have noticed, I have been busy for some while.

Because of this, I've hardly followed the discussions on the mailing
lists and now I'm trying to catch up with the development, again. Could
you guys give me a little update? ;-)

Just some things I noticed while testing HEAD:

1) The interface scaling is partly broken, as far as I can see. With the
default theme, all the text is displayed way too large - except for the
optgroups in the database selection. With the darkblue / organge theme,
it looks better, but there are still some places, where table captions
are displayed too large.

I noticed, that you've worked on some XHTML-related stuff, so I guess
this is still under contruction? I could provide screen shots, if you
want me to.

2) On server_status.php, I noticed that you have devided the variables
into groups and added small descriptions. Well, at least for the
different storage engines, I started doing the same on
server_engines.php. For some variables, we now have even redundant
descriptions in our lang files. :-/

Regarding the fact, that server_status.php has become quite large, I'd
suggest to move the stuff that is related to a specific storage engine
to server_engines.php and libraries/engines.

3) I have worked on a code splitup of server_privileges.php in order to
implement the new MySQL 5 privileges, including the new privilege level
and removing all "SELECT ... FROM mysql" queries on MySQL 5. I had to
stop because of some bugs in MySQL 5, that have been fixed meanwhile.

Is anyone working on the privilege system right now? Otherwise, I'd
resume my work and try to merge it with the changes you have made during
the time I've been inactive.


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