[Phpmyadmin-devel] UTF8 and connection encoding

Sebastian Mendel lists at sebastianmendel.de
Sun Feb 8 15:51:03 CET 2009

Hi All,

if someone changes connection setting in main.php from UTF-8 to 
something else, all content from DB will be delivered with this encoding 
to users Browser, but we say the document is UTF-8 and strings coming 
from us (language files) are in UTF-8

so we end up with a mixed encoding in the HTML output

there are two options:

- setting PHP output encoding


do not know if this takes care of already mixed encodings

- do not allow switching connection charset

why is this required anyway?

i would vote for dropping, as is see no requirement for this, any modern 
browser should be UTF-8 capable

any comments suggestions?

Sebastian Mendel

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