[phpMyAdmin Developers] SQL parser handling

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 14:21:11 CET 2016


On 2/10/16 2:40 AM, Michal Čihař wrote:
> Hi
> Dne 9.2.2016 v 21:25 Dan Ungureanu napsal(a):
>> The first time I sent my proposal for Google Summer of Code 2015 I tried
>> finding libraries that would fit phpMyAdmin. Because I found none I
>> thought that I could create a library on my own hoping that others (not
>> only phpMyAdmin) would benefit from it and will help developing it
>> (testing, sending bug reports, etc). I talked with Marc and he seemed to
>> be fine with this.
>> After the summer ended, I was planning on talking with Marc to transfer
>> the library to phpMyAdmin, but I did not get to do that. Hopefully, we
>> can do this soon.
> Okay, let's process with this (see mail I've sent you privately).
>> In my opinion, the best option would be to manage dependencies with
>> Composer, but I proposed this in the past and people did not consider
>> this a very good idea. Anyway, I still believe that keeping the library
>> in a different repository is the best way because:
>>  - it makes bug fixing easier; no need to merge upstream, older versions
>> of phpMyAdmin may be easier to patch, etc;
>>  - the changes to the library don't pollute the change log of phpMyAdmin;
>>  - it is designed as a "module" to phpMyAdmin and the logic related to
>> SQL queries is separated;
>>  - maybe at some time in the future the library will also be used in
>> other projects.
> I still want the library to be kept in separate repository. I just want
> to embed that one inside phpmyadmin one as a submodule, see
> https://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule

On the surface, this seems like quite a good solution, but from what I
recall (and a quick look at that page confirms my memory), it is a bit
awkward to work with submodules. For instance, one has to manually
update/sync to the submodule and it seems easy to get out of sync. I've
never worked with submodules and I definitely might be wrong about this,
but the documentation makes this process sound awkward.

> I'm not sure about using Composer - people still expect to find complete
> tarball on our website...

I agree that we should distribute the complete tarball and not require
using Composer for this.

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