[phpMyAdmin Developers] Composer/Packagist support

Florian Rey florian.rey at elao.com
Mon Jan 18 13:12:58 CET 2016



as far as i can see, composer support is "kind of" active on the github
repository (see: https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/commit/0429a10426bef


But the package itself, through packagist, is available (at least) three

  * The "main" package (as it uses the same name, "phpmyadmin./phpmyadmin", as in the composer.json in the github repo): https://packagist.org/packages/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
    * Declared as abandonned (although the suggestion is to use... the same repo :))
    * Maintained by a phpmyadmin core team member
    * Outdated (it looks like the git hooks has not been set)
  * The wp-cloud: https://packagist.org/packages/wp-cloud/phpmyadmin
    * Updated (Manually ? Git hooks ?)
    * Not maintained by a core team member
  * The shapecode: https://packagist.org/packages/shapecode/phpmyadmin
    * Avialable on bitbucket, not github
    * Updated (Manually ? Git hooks ?)
    * Not maintained by a core team member
My question is: what is the official policy regarding phpmyadmin and
Composer/Packagist ?

Does it sounds crazy to have the main package on packagist "officialy"
supported, not abandonned anymore, with correct git hooks to have automatic
version updates handling ?


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Florian REY

Développeur Symfony 2 Sénior - [@Elao](https://twitter.com/Elao)

E-mail : [florian.rey at elao.com](mailto:florian.rey at elao.com) \- Site internet
: [http://www.elao.com](http://www.elao.com/)  
Paris / Lyon / Montpellier - Tel : +33 (0)4 82 53 37 19  

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