[phpMyAdmin Developers] Setting up error reporting server

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 03:18:31 CET 2018


I only have partial answers; please see below. Also see

On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 4:46 AM, Lakshay arora <arora.lakshya123 at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I am trying to set up the error reporting server on xampp by following the
> steps in the how to deploy section of the readme of error-reporting
> server repo <https://github.com/phpmyadmin/error-reporting-server/>
> The second and third  step say
> Add a virtual hosts entry pointing at the directory where you extracted
> the files in the previous step. Make sure that the installation is in the
> document root.
> and
> Configure the web server
> I've added the virtual host entry point in the httpd.conf file and enabled
> vhosts.conf.

Yes, the way the current configuration directive is written, it will
override any existing services on port 80.

I've modified it a bit for my own installation, so that my "normal"
webserver process continues on port 80:

Listen 8080
<VirtualHost *:8080>
  DocumentRoot "/usr/local/src/error-reporting-server"

  <Directory /usr/local/src/error-reporting-server>
    Require all granted

Then I can access the error reporting server on port 8080

> I've only been able to do this step properly, after this step, opening
> localhost opens the error reporting server and i'm unable to visit anything
> else.
> The fourth step says
> create the database for the server
> It doesn't tell the info of the database, what to create??
I think this just means to create a blank database, which you then tell the
name of to app.php.

One problem I've found is that I have no idea how to generate an OAuth
authentication attempt. I'm able to get to a page that has a link to "Login
with Github" but the link takes me to /developers/login which doesn't
exist, giving a 404 error.

> The last step says
> Run the migrations that have been created so far to setup the database
> For new system: just run migration sudo bin/cake migrations migrate
> Running the command gives the following error
> Exception: There was a problem connecting to the database: SQLSTATE[HY000]
> [2002] No such file or directory in [/opt/lampp/htdocs/gsoc/error-
> reporting-server/vendor/robmorgan/phinx/src/Phinx/Db/Adapter/MysqlAdapter.php,
> line 115]
> Followed by many other errors.

Probably you didn't create and/or specify the database name as mentioned
above, although I'm not sure.

> Next section is oauth setup config.
> what should be the developors callback? the whole path?
> http://localhost/error-reportong-server/developrs/callback ??
> Next is setting up the webhook-
> I don't understand anything in this section.
> The target repo is the phpmadmin/phpmyadmin repo, how can I add a webhook
> in that repo??
> Kindly help
> Thanks
> Lakshay arora
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