[phpMyAdmin Developers] The phpMyAdmin repo on GitHub is a Dev (uninstalled) version. Thus many files are NOT even there. How do we commit fixes to THOSE missing files?

Angelo Grebenarov grebenarov at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 23:42:42 CEST 2021

Hi Maurício,

Thank you very much for your detailed answers to my questions! Your
explanations were even better than the information on the repo site, thanks
to which I was able to do the fix and right now I am literally at the last
- Creating a pull request for my change - but there it says: "..for bug
fixes in a released version use the corresponding QA BRANCH.." but those
branches only go up to QA_5_1, whereas my fix is for 5.2. (I.e.: An
UNreleased version.)

Which branch shall I Create the pull request to?

Thank you again,

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 10:33 PM Maurício Meneghini Fauth <mauricio at fauth.dev>

> Em qui, 8 de jul de 2021 22:48, Angelo Grebenarov <grebenarov at gmail.com>
> escreveu:
>> Hi all,
> Hi Angelo,
> I have a lot of experience with PHP/MySQL but not much with Git. I figure
>> this question should be an easy one for you but I can't figure it out and
>> would really appreciate your answer(s).
>> Here is my question:
>> I've downloaded and installed phpMyAdmin from Git using the "composer
>> update" and "yarn install --production" commands. The installation was fine
>> and *I fixed a bug that happens to be in the
>> \themes\pmahomme\css\theme.css file*. So far so good but when I tried
>> "commit"-ing the change it turns out the file *theme.css* in NOT EVEN
>> THERE on the original GitHub master repo, due to - (of course) it's NOT
>> installed and the \themes\pmahomme\css\ folder is actually empty (no files
>> at all there).
> The theme.css file is a generated file, that is why it is not in the
> repository. You have to change the files inside the scss directory and then
> run "yarn build" to compile the Sass files into CSS files.
> -- How can I commit a change to theme.css if theme.css is not even there
>> in master?
> The theme.css is an ignored file. See the .gitignore file.
> -- Also: I forked the master repo to MY GitHub account and then cloned it
>> down to my local machine. *Now do I commit DIRECTLY TO
>> phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin -> master?* (Different places have that
>> information differently - some do NOT mention I need to fork - but suggest
>> cloning directly from "master" - I wanted to know ONE CORRECT WORKING WAY
>> of the whole procedure.)
> You can't commit directly to phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin repository because you
> don't have the necessary permissions. But you can pull from this
> repository, since it is public.
> The common workflow for GitHub is to fork the repository and clone the
> forked repository locally. Then you can add the upstream repository as an
> additional remote with the "git remote" command to be able to pull new
> changes.
> If you want to contribute some changes, you can create a new branch, then
> commit the changes, then push this branch to your forked repository, and
> finally open a pull request on GitHub.
> I would really appreciate your answers to the (what turned out to be) 2
>> questions.
>> Thank you,
>> Angelo Grebenarov
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> Maurício
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