Unfortunately, this isn't something we're able to help with. We are the programmers behind the phpMyAdmin application, which can be used to manage a database instance — but we don't host your database nor do we have any control over it. However, if you have full control over your server, you may be able to do it yourself with the instructions from MySQL: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/resetting-permissions.html
Good luck and best wishes, Isaac from the phpMyAdmin team
On 9/2/19 3:19 AM, eric@brazilmaritimeconsulting.com wrote:
We have the sites:
www.brazilmaritimeconsulting.com http://www.brazilmaritimeconsulting.com
www.brasilconsultoriamaritima.com http://www.brasilconsultoriamaritima.com
We would like to receive the right as administrator on the SQL database account. Now, we do not have user priveleges when logged in to phpmyadmin.
Please assista us.
Best regards