[phpMyAdmin Developers] Adding drag and drop disable feature

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 14:20:21 CEST 2018

On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 6:58 AM, Lakshay arora
<arora.lakshya123 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Developers,
> I'm currently working on this feature as a part of my GSoC project. Isaac
> and I have been trying to think of some workarounds but your ideas are
> welcome.
> I have currently thought of the following workarounds.
> Disable drag drop at the backend, but drag drop handlers in javascript are
> written in common,js which has other stuff also, so we can either separate
> it in some other file(which I don't think would be a good solution because
> it might cause some bugs), or we can find a way to expose the configuration
> to javascript(not sure but could lead to security issues) or we can leave
> the javascript as it is and disable it only on the server side.(it still
> works well, I've tested).

I have a few (untested) ideas about this, although I can't think of
anything else in the code where a JavaScript configuration is
controlled by a config.inc.php directive.

Can we move the part where we attach the event in js/common.js to a
PHP file? If we can make these lines conditional that would prevent
the attachment in the first place
> common.js:$(document).on('dragenter', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._dragenter);
> common.js:$(document).on('dragover', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._dragover);
> common.js:$(document).on('dragleave', '.pma_drop_handler', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._dragleave);
> common.js:$(document).on('drop', 'body', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._drop);

Can we move the PMA_DROP_IMPORT functionality to a new file
(js/drag_drop_import.js) and conditionally include that, like we do
with CodemirrorEnable and libraries/classes/Header.php?

Can we set a variable early on in the execution of the common PHP
functions that are called on every page where we set a JavaScript
variable, then perform the test in JavaScript?

This is a new area for me, so those are a few of my early-morning ideas.

> Thanks,
> Lakshya arora (nulll-pointer)
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