The branch, master has been updated
via 2f580bb085371c673f469a82d7896041f508d785 (commit)
from d8643d23fcbadcebf2d029244b5d21682ba9f996 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 2f580bb085371c673f469a82d7896041f508d785
Author: Marc Delisle <marc(a)>
Date: Sat Oct 30 19:23:36 2010 -0400
vertical marker and pointer for AJAX-reached results
Summary of changes:
js/functions.js | 166 +++++-------------------
libraries/display_tbl.lib.php | 85 +++++-------
themes/darkblue_orange/css/theme_right.css.php | 1 +
themes/original/css/theme_right.css.php | 1 +
4 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)
diff --git a/js/functions.js b/js/functions.js
index af068ad..6e81baf 100644
--- a/js/functions.js
+++ b/js/functions.js
@@ -898,118 +898,6 @@ function unMarkAllRows( container_id ) {
return true;
- * Sets/unsets the pointer and marker in vertical browse mode
- *
- * @param object the table row
- * @param integer the column number
- * @param string the action calling this script (over, out or click)
- * @param string the default background Class
- * @param string the Class to use for mouseover
- * @param string the Class to use for marking a row
- *
- * @return boolean whether pointer is set or not
- *
- */
-function setVerticalPointer(theRow, theColNum, theAction, theDefaultClass1, theDefaultClass2, thePointerClass, theMarkClass) {
- // 1. Pointer and mark feature are disabled or the browser can't get the
- // row -> exits
- if ((thePointerClass == '' && theMarkClass == '')
- || typeof( == 'undefined') {
- return false;
- }
- var tagSwitch = null;
- // 2. Gets the current row and exits if the browser can't get it
- if (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) != 'undefined') {
- tagSwitch = 'tag';
- } else if (typeof(document.getElementById('table_results')) != 'undefined') {
- tagSwitch = 'cells';
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- var theCells = null;
- if (tagSwitch == 'tag') {
- theRows = document.getElementById('table_results').getElementsByTagName('tr');
- theCells = theRows[1].getElementsByTagName('td');
- } else if (tagSwitch == 'cells') {
- theRows = document.getElementById('table_results').rows;
- theCells = theRows[1].cells;
- }
- // 3. Gets the current Class...
- var currentClass = null;
- var newClass = null;
- // 3.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera that does not return
- // valid values with "getAttribute"
- if (typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined'
- && typeof(theCells[theColNum].getAttribute) != 'undefined') {
- currentClass = theCells[theColNum].className;
- } // end 3
- // 4. Defines the new Class
- // 4.1 Current Class is the default one
- if (currentClass == ''
- || currentClass.toLowerCase() == theDefaultClass1.toLowerCase()
- || currentClass.toLowerCase() == theDefaultClass2.toLowerCase()) {
- if (theAction == 'over' && thePointerClass != '') {
- newClass = thePointerClass;
- } else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkClass != '') {
- newClass = theMarkClass;
- marked_row[theColNum] = true;
- }
- }
- // 4.1.2 Current Class is the pointer one
- else if (currentClass.toLowerCase() == thePointerClass.toLowerCase() &&
- (typeof(marked_row[theColNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theColNum]) || marked_row[theColNum] == false) {
- if (theAction == 'out') {
- if (theColNum % 2) {
- newClass = theDefaultClass1;
- } else {
- newClass = theDefaultClass2;
- }
- }
- else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkClass != '') {
- newClass = theMarkClass;
- marked_row[theColNum] = true;
- }
- }
- // 4.1.3 Current Class is the marker one
- else if (currentClass.toLowerCase() == theMarkClass.toLowerCase()) {
- if (theAction == 'click') {
- newClass = (thePointerClass != '')
- ? thePointerClass
- : ((theColNum % 2) ? theDefaultClass2 : theDefaultClass1);
- marked_row[theColNum] = false;
- }
- } // end 4
- // 5 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera
- if (newClass) {
- var c = null;
- var rowCnt = theRows.length;
- for (c = 0; c < rowCnt; c++) {
- if (tagSwitch == 'tag') {
- Cells = theRows[c].getElementsByTagName('td');
- } else if (tagSwitch == 'cells') {
- Cells = theRows[c].cells;
- }
- Cell = Cells[theColNum];
- // 5.1 Sets the new Class...
- Cell.className = Cell.className.replace(currentClass, newClass);
- } // end for
- } // end 5
- return true;
- } // end of the 'setVerticalPointer()' function
* Checks/unchecks all checkbox in given conainer (f.e. a form, fieldset or div)
@@ -1029,25 +917,6 @@ function setCheckboxes( container_id, state ) {
return true;
} // end of the 'setCheckboxes()' function
-// - this was directly written to each td, so why not a function ;)
-// setCheckboxColumn(\'id_rows_to_delete' . $row_no . ''\');
-function setCheckboxColumn(theCheckbox){
- if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox)) {
- document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked = (document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked ? false : true);
- if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r')) {
- document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r').checked = document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked;
- }
- } else {
- if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r')) {
- document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r').checked = (document.getElementById(theCheckbox +'r').checked ? false : true);
- if (document.getElementById(theCheckbox)) {
- document.getElementById(theCheckbox).checked = document.getElementById(theCheckbox + 'r').checked;
- }
- }
- }
* Checks/unchecks all options of a <select> element
@@ -2488,3 +2357,38 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
}) // end of $(document).ready() for multi checkbox
+ * Get the row number from the classlist (for example, row_1)
+ */
+function PMA_getRowNumber(classlist) {
+ return parseInt(classlist.split(/row_/)[1]);
+ * Vertical pointer
+ */
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $('.vpointer').live('hover',
+ //handlerInOut
+ function(e) {
+ var $this_td = $(this);
+ var row_num = PMA_getRowNumber($this_td.attr('class'));
+ // for all td of the same vertical row, toggle hover
+ $('.vpointer').filter('.row_' + row_num).toggleClass('hover');
+ }
+ );
+}) // end of $(document).ready() for vertical pointer
+ * Vertical marker
+ */
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $('.vmarker').live('click', function(e) {
+ var $this_td = $(this);
+ var row_num = PMA_getRowNumber($this_td.attr('class'));
+ // for all td of the same vertical row, toggle the marked class
+ $('.vmarker').filter('.row_' + row_num).toggleClass('marked');
+ });
+}) // end of $(document).ready() for vertical marker
diff --git a/libraries/display_tbl.lib.php b/libraries/display_tbl.lib.php
index 6504839..df8e34b 100644
--- a/libraries/display_tbl.lib.php
+++ b/libraries/display_tbl.lib.php
@@ -962,43 +962,40 @@ function PMA_displayTableHeaders(&$is_display, &$fields_meta, $fields_cnt = 0, $
* Prepares the display for a value
- * @param string $mouse_events
* @param string $class
* @param string $condition_field
* @param string $value
* @return string the td
-function PMA_buildValueDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $value) {
- return '<td align="left"' . $mouse_events . ' class="' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . '">' . $value . '</td>';
+function PMA_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $value) {
+ return '<td align="left"' . ' class="' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . '">' . $value . '</td>';
* Prepares the display for a null value
- * @param string $mouse_events
* @param string $class
* @param string $condition_field
* @return string the td
-function PMA_buildNullDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field) {
+function PMA_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field) {
// the null class is needed for inline editing
- return '<td align="right"' . $mouse_events . ' class="' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . ' null"><i>NULL</i></td>';
+ return '<td align="right"' . ' class="' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . ' null"><i>NULL</i></td>';
* Prepares the display for an empty value
- * @param string $mouse_events
* @param string $class
* @param string $condition_field
* @param string $align
* @return string the td
-function PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $align = '') {
- return '<td ' . $align . $mouse_events . ' class="' . $class . ' nowrap' . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . '"> </td>';
+function PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $align = '') {
+ return '<td ' . $align . ' class="' . $class . ' nowrap' . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . '"> </td>';
@@ -1236,16 +1233,14 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
$condition_field = false;
- $mouse_events = '';
if ($_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['disp_direction'] == 'vertical' && (!isset($GLOBALS['printview']) || ($GLOBALS['printview'] != '1'))) {
+ // the row number corresponds to a data row, not HTML table row
+ $class .= ' row_' . $row_no;
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowsePointerEnable'] == true) {
- $mouse_events .= ' onmouseover="setVerticalPointer(this, ' . $row_no . ', \'over\', \'odd\', \'even\', \'hover\', \'marked\');"'
- . ' onmouseout="setVerticalPointer(this, ' . $row_no . ', \'out\', \'odd\', \'even\', \'hover\', \'marked\');" ';
+ $class .= ' vpointer';
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerEnable'] == true) {
- $mouse_events .= ' onmousedown="setVerticalPointer(this, ' . $row_no . ', \'click\', \'odd\', \'even\', \'hover\', \'marked\'); setCheckboxColumn(\'id_rows_to_delete' . $row_no . '\');" ';
- } else {
- $mouse_events .= ' onmousedown="setCheckboxColumn(\'id_rows_to_delete' . $row_no . '\');" ';
+ $class .= ' vmarker';
}// end if
@@ -1295,15 +1290,15 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
// so use the $pointer
if (!isset($row[$i]) || is_null($row[$i])) {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field);
} elseif ($row[$i] != '') {
$nowrap = ' nowrap';
$where_comparison = ' = ' . $row[$i];
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = '<td align="right"' . PMA_prepare_row_data($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $row[$i], $transform_function, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = '<td align="right"' . PMA_prepare_row_data($class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $row[$i], $transform_function, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated);
} else {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, 'align="right"');
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, 'align="right"');
// b l o b
@@ -1318,7 +1313,7 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
if (stristr($field_flags, 'BINARY')) {
if (!isset($row[$i]) || is_null($row[$i])) {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field);
} else {
// for blobstreaming
// if valid BS reference exists
@@ -1328,13 +1323,13 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
$blobtext = PMA_handle_non_printable_contents('BLOB', (isset($row[$i]) ? $row[$i] : ''), $transform_function, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, $_url_params);
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildValueDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $blobtext);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $blobtext);
// not binary:
} else {
if (!isset($row[$i]) || is_null($row[$i])) {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field);
} elseif ($row[$i] != '') {
// if a transform function for blob is set, none of these replacements will be made
if (PMA_strlen($row[$i]) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'] && $_SESSION['tmp_user_values']['display_text'] == 'P') {
@@ -1345,9 +1340,9 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
// characters for tabulations and <cr>/<lf>
$row[$i] = ($default_function != $transform_function ? $transform_function($row[$i], $transform_options, $meta) : $default_function($row[$i], array(), $meta));
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildValueDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $row[$i]);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $row[$i]);
} else {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field);
// g e o m e t r y
@@ -1355,13 +1350,13 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
$geometry_text = PMA_handle_non_printable_contents('GEOMETRY', (isset($row[$i]) ? $row[$i] : ''), $transform_function, $transform_options, $default_function, $meta);
// reset $class from $data_inline_edit_class to '' as we can't edit geometry data
$class = '';
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildValueDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $geometry_text);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $geometry_text);
// n o t n u m e r i c a n d n o t B L O B
} else {
if (!isset($row[$i]) || is_null($row[$i])) {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field);
} elseif ($row[$i] != '') {
// support blanks in the key
$relation_id = $row[$i];
@@ -1403,10 +1398,10 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
// do not wrap if date field type
$nowrap = ((preg_match('@DATE|TIME@i', $meta->type) || $bool_nowrap) ? ' nowrap' : '');
$where_comparison = ' = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($row[$i]) . '\'';
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = '<td ' . PMA_prepare_row_data($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $row[$i], $transform_function, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = '<td ' . PMA_prepare_row_data($class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $row[$i], $transform_function, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated);
} else {
- $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field);
+ $vertical_display['data'][$row_no][$i] = PMA_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field);
@@ -1447,25 +1442,22 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
$vertical_display['delete'][$row_no] = '';
$vertical_display['row_delete'][$row_no] = '';
- $column_style_vertical = '';
+ $vertical_class = ' row_' . $row_no;
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowsePointerEnable'] == true) {
- $column_style_vertical .= ' onmouseover="setVerticalPointer(this, ' . $row_no . ', \'over\', \'odd\', \'even\', \'hover\', \'marked\');"'
- . ' onmouseout="setVerticalPointer(this, ' . $row_no . ', \'out\', \'odd\', \'even\', \'hover\', \'marked\');"';
+ $vertical_class .= ' vpointer';
- $column_marker_vertical = '';
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerEnable'] == true) {
- $column_marker_vertical .= 'setVerticalPointer(this, ' . $row_no . ', \'click\', \'odd\', \'even\', \'hover\', \'marked\');';
+ $vertical_class .= ' vmarker';
if (!empty($del_url) && $is_display['del_lnk'] != 'kp') {
- $vertical_display['row_delete'][$row_no] .= PMA_generateCheckboxForMulti($del_url, $is_display, $row_no, $where_clause_html, $del_query, '[%_PMA_CHECKBOX_DIR_%]', $alternating_color_class, $column_style_vertical, $column_marker_vertical);
+ $vertical_display['row_delete'][$row_no] .= PMA_generateCheckboxForMulti($del_url, $is_display, $row_no, $where_clause_html, $del_query, '[%_PMA_CHECKBOX_DIR_%]', $alternating_color_class . $vertical_class);
} else {
if (isset($edit_url)) {
- $vertical_display['edit'][$row_no] .= PMA_generateEditLink($edit_url, $alternating_color_class . ' ' . $edit_anchor_class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $column_style_vertical);
+ $vertical_display['edit'][$row_no] .= PMA_generateEditLink($edit_url, $alternating_color_class . ' ' . $edit_anchor_class . $vertical_class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html);
} else {
@@ -1474,7 +1466,7 @@ function PMA_displayTableBody(&$dt_result, &$is_display, $map, $analyzed_sql) {
if (! isset($js_conf)) {
$js_conf = '';
- $vertical_display['delete'][$row_no] .= PMA_generateDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, $alternating_color_class, $column_style_vertical);
+ $vertical_display['delete'][$row_no] .= PMA_generateDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, $alternating_color_class . $vertical_class);
} else {
@@ -2322,7 +2314,6 @@ function PMA_handle_non_printable_contents($category, $content, $transform_funct
* @uses $GLOBALS['printview']
* @uses htmlspecialchars()
* @uses PMA_generate_common_url()
- * @param string $mouse_events
* @param string $class
* @param string $condition_field
* @param string $analyzed_sql
@@ -2336,7 +2327,7 @@ function PMA_handle_non_printable_contents($category, $content, $transform_funct
* @param bool $is_field_truncated
* @return string formatted data
-function PMA_prepare_row_data($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $data, $transform_function, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated ) {
+function PMA_prepare_row_data($class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql, $meta, $map, $data, $transform_function, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison, $transform_options, $is_field_truncated ) {
// Define classes to be added to this data field based on the type of data
$enum_class = '';
@@ -2350,7 +2341,7 @@ function PMA_prepare_row_data($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $analyzed
// continue the <td> tag started before calling this function:
- $result = $mouse_events . ' class="' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . $nowrap
+ $result = ' class="' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '') . $nowrap
. ' ' . ($is_field_truncated ? ' truncated' : '')
. ($transform_function != $default_function ? ' transformed' : '')
. (isset($map[$meta->name]) ? ' relation' : '')
@@ -2448,22 +2439,18 @@ function PMA_prepare_row_data($mouse_events, $class, $condition_field, $analyzed
* @param string $del_query
* @param string $id_suffix
* @param string $class
- * @param string $column_style_vertical
- * @param string $column_marker_vertical
* @return string the generated HTML
-function PMA_generateCheckboxForMulti($del_url, $is_display, $row_no, $where_clause_html, $del_query, $id_suffix, $class, $column_style_vertical, $column_marker_vertical) {
+function PMA_generateCheckboxForMulti($del_url, $is_display, $row_no, $where_clause_html, $del_query, $id_suffix, $class) {
$ret = '';
if (! empty($del_url) && $is_display['del_lnk'] != 'kp') {
$ret .= '<td ';
if (! empty($class)) {
$ret .= 'class="' . $class . '"';
- $ret .= $column_style_vertical;
$ret .= ' align="center">'
. '<input type="checkbox" id="id_rows_to_delete' . $row_no . $id_suffix . '" name="rows_to_delete[' . $where_clause_html . ']"'
- . ' onclick="' . $column_marker_vertical . '"'
. ' class="multi_checkbox"'
. ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($del_query) . '" ' . (isset($GLOBALS['checkall']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />'
. ' </td>';
@@ -2480,13 +2467,12 @@ function PMA_generateCheckboxForMulti($del_url, $is_display, $row_no, $where_cla
* @param string $edit_str
* @param string $where_clause
* @param string $where_clause_html
- * @param string $column_style_vertical
* @return string the generated HTML
-function PMA_generateEditLink($edit_url, $class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $column_style_vertical) {
+function PMA_generateEditLink($edit_url, $class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html) {
$ret = '';
if (! empty($edit_url)) {
- $ret .= '<td class="' . $class . '" align="center" ' . $column_style_vertical . ' >'
+ $ret .= '<td class="' . $class . '" align="center" ' . ' >'
. PMA_linkOrButton($edit_url, $edit_str, array(), FALSE);
* Where clause for selecting this row uniquely is provided as
@@ -2508,17 +2494,16 @@ function PMA_generateEditLink($edit_url, $class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $wher
* @param string $del_str
* @param string $js_conf
* @param string $class
- * @param string $column_style_vertical
* @return string the generated HTML
-function PMA_generateDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, $class, $column_style_vertical) {
+function PMA_generateDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, $class) {
$ret = '';
if (! empty($del_url)) {
$ret .= '<td ';
if (! empty($class)) {
$ret .= 'class="' . $class . '" ';
- $ret .= 'align="center" ' . $column_style_vertical . ' >'
+ $ret .= 'align="center" ' . ' >'
. PMA_linkOrButton($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, FALSE)
. '</td>';
diff --git a/themes/darkblue_orange/css/theme_right.css.php b/themes/darkblue_orange/css/theme_right.css.php
index b2dafa0..e36f770 100644
--- a/themes/darkblue_orange/css/theme_right.css.php
+++ b/themes/darkblue_orange/css/theme_right.css.php
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ table tr.even {
<?php if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerEnable']) { ?>
/* marked table rows */
table tr.marked th,
table tr.marked {
background: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerBackground']; ?>;
diff --git a/themes/original/css/theme_right.css.php b/themes/original/css/theme_right.css.php
index 9a8e6d1..450c91d 100644
--- a/themes/original/css/theme_right.css.php
+++ b/themes/original/css/theme_right.css.php
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ table tr.even {
<?php if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerEnable']) { ?>
/* marked table rows */
table tr.marked th,
table tr.marked {
background: <?php echo $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerBackground']; ?>;