phpMyAdmin will be participating in the Percona MySQL Live Conference &
Expo, April 10-12, 2012, in Santa Clara, California.
Be sure to stop by and visit us at the Dot Org Pavilion!
Need a discount code? "PHP-PL12" will save you 10%.
For more information see
Michal Čihař for the phpMyAdmin team
It's now official, phpMyAdmin has been accepted as a mentoring
organization for GSoC 2012 (refer to http://www.google-melange.com).
We would like to invite all students to participate, though only the
best ones will be chosen. Please refer to our applicant guide at
http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2012_Applicant_Guide for more
information about application.
Michal Čihař for the phpMyAdmin team
Welcome to the second release candidate for phpMyAdmin 3.5.0; the final
release is scheduled for April 7.
Here are the major new features:
* browse-mode improvements
** grid editing
** remember recent tables
** remember last sort order by table
** flexible column width
** reorder columns
** more compact navigation bar
* AJAXification of many operations
* reorganised server status page, with server monitoring
* improved support for stored routines, events and triggers
* openGIS support
* zoom-search in table search
* Drizzle support
* improved ENUM/SET editor
Details will appear on http://phpmyadmin.net. In a hurry? you can visit
http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin to download.
Marc Delisle, for the team
we are pleased to announce this programming contest. Details are on
http://phpmyadmin.net (click the link in the green Contest zone).
By the way, for students who will want to participate to Google Summer
of Code 2012 for a phpMyAdmin project, this programming contest is
interesting for two reasons:
1. a chance to win a Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.4 book
2. a chance to get involved with the phpMyAdmin code by producing a
patch so that we can evaluate your skills
Have fun!
Marc Delisle