Hi all
This topic has been already open several times, but now we got offer to use translatewiki.net for translating phpMyAdmin. As you are the ones who do most of work on our translations, I ask about your opinion on this topic. Are you interested in having web based interface for translating?
Currently we use simple PHP files with strings to localize [*] and this probably won't change in near future and translatewiki.net seems to already support similar ways of localizing PHP applications.
Now the question is whether to invest effort into this direction. Web based interface definitely lowers barrier for translating, but nobody is really responsible there and you may end up with poor quality. What is better, no translation, or not perfect translation?
[*] I'd really prefer to migrate to gettext based solution for phpMyAdmin, but this seems unlikely, mostly because gettext as integrated in PHP is quite painful. Once you load translation, it is kept opened and any changes in the file lead to segfault and any replacing of the file is deleted. So the only way to make it see updated translation is to restart PHP (or Apache if you use mod_php).
PS: Please discuss on phpmyadmin-translators@lists.sf.net not on -devel mailing list, so that all translators can see the discussion, initial post is on -devel just to notify developers who are not subscribed here.
Michal Čihař a écrit :
Let's say a translator (like me) would prefer the current system. Can we handle both the current system and web-based one?
Also, what happens with the notion of "official translator"? I find it useful because from time to time we get translation proposals from more than one person for a language.
Dne Mon, 08 Jun 2009 11:12:16 -0400 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info napsal(a):
Let's say a translator (like me) would prefer the current system. Can we handle both the current system and web-based one?
Sure, you will be still able to edit the file directly.
I think we can lock certain translations just for official translator. But this makes only sense for translations, which are near to 100%, others would benefit from opening up because current official translator obviously can not handle all the strings.
Have you ever thought for the Narro Project? It is available at http://narro-project.blogspot.com/ and it is a web application for software translation and coordination. It also supports plain .php files.
2009/6/8 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info
Dne Mon, 8 Jun 2009 18:15:54 +0200 József Tamás Herczeg localicer@gmail.com napsal(a):
I played a bit with that today and I think there are better alternatives. Anyway the technical implementation is not important for now, what I would like to know is opinion about publicly opened translation system over web.
Michal Čihař wrote:
I could see how this lowers the barrier for users to contribute.
While translating myself, I made a few glances at similar translation tools for example https://translations.launchpad.net
One thing I like about that is the possibility to make structured suggestions, work incrementally and make each translated string count.
Just my 2 cents