Please translate and send me only the translations. Thanks.
- Marc
// Indexes
$strAddToIndex = 'Add to index %s column(s)';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Can\'t rename index to PRIMARY!';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
$strCreateIndex = 'Create an index on %s columns';
$strCreateIndexTopic = 'Create a new index';
$strIgnore = 'Ignore';
$strIndexName = 'Index name :';
$strIndexType = 'Index type :';
$strModifyIndexTopic = 'Modify an index';
$strNone = 'None';
$strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'No index parts defined!';
$strNoIndex = 'No index defined!';
$strPrimaryKeyName = 'The name of the primary key must be... PRIMARY!';
$strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" <b>must</b> be the name of and <b>only of</b> a primary key!)';