Sorry for posting this to the list, but I thought this is the easiest way to get these to whom it may concern. Since I'm using a Mac and IE, I can't log in to SF and uploading files hasn't worked for anonymous users, at least not for me.
I just updated the Finnish language file from CVS and found out there are a couple of variables that need translating. Here we go:
$strAfterInsertBack = 'Takaisin'; $strAfterInsertNewInsert = 'Lisää uusi rivi'; $strBookmarkDeleted = 'Tallennettu SQL-lause on poistettu.'; $strOverhead = 'Käyttämätön';
$strAddToIndex = 'Lisää indeksi %s sarakkeisiin'; $strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = 'Indeksiä ei voi muuttaa PRIMARY-nimiseksi!'; $strCardinality = 'Kardinaliteetti'; $strCreateIndex = 'Luo sarakkeista indeksi'; $strCreateIndexTopic = 'Luo uusi indeksi'; $strIgnore = 'Jätä huomiotta'; $strIndexName = 'Indeksin nimi:'; $strIndexType = 'Indeksin tyyppi:'; $strModifyIndexTopic = 'Muokkaa indeksiä'; $strNone = 'Ei mitään'; $strNoIndexPartsDefined = 'Indeksin osia ei ole määritelty!'; $strNoIndex = 'Indeksiä ei ole määritelty!'; $strPrimaryKeyName = 'Ensisijaisen avaimen nimenä pitää olla PRIMARY!'; $strPrimaryKeyWarning = '("PRIMARY" saa olla <b>vain ja ainoastaan</b> ensisijaisen avaimen nimenä!)';
- Visa
Thanks, merged!
Visa Kopu a écrit :
Sorry for posting this to the list, but I thought this is the easiest way to get these to whom it may concern. Since I'm using a Mac and IE, I can't log in to SF and uploading files hasn't worked for anonymous users, at least not for me.
I just updated the Finnish language file from CVS and found out there are a couple of variables that need translating. Here we go: