There has been a new comment on phpMyAdmin/4.8 at Hosted Weblate.
Source string:
Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users privileges that user possess on this routine.
Perhaps an easier to read way of saying it would be "Allows a user to give permission to a user(s) to edit the permissions of other users within this routine."
You can edit this string at:
Translation summary:
All strings : 3296 Translated strings : 2525 (76.6%) Not translated strings : 65 (2.0%) Strings needing action : 771 (23.4%) Strings marked for edit : 706 (21.4%)
You can translate at https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/phpmyadmin/4-8/ja/ -- Sent by Weblate translation system https://hosted.weblate.org/ Change subscription settings: https://hosted.weblate.org/accounts/profile/#subscriptions More information about Weblate can be found at https://weblate.org/