Hi all
Does a roadmap for phpMyAdmin exist or has anyone feature plans for
phpMyAdmin 3.0?
Eventually I ask a bit too early but I would be very interested in such
Marcel Tschopp
Marcel Tschopp <marcel.tschopp(a)gmx.net>
Hi devs,
Since I did not recently test 2.6.0-dev with mysqli extension,
I am currently lagging about this.
Does 2.6.0-dev currently have complete support for all charset features
of MySQL 4.1 ?
For example, field-level charset.
Hi devs,
Testing with
CREATE TABLE `testcharset` (
`prénom` varchar(30) NOT NULL default ''
INSERT INTO `testcharset` VALUES ('Josée');
I start the test with this configuration, then I mention what I change
and the results.
Latest CVS, MySQL 4.0.16, PHP 4.3.4, mysql ext, AllowAnywhereRecoding=TRUE,
language en-utf-8, mysql-charset: iso-8859-1
Structure: ok
Browse: data ok, column title broken
SQL: fields list ok
Search: ok
Insert: ok
Export: ok
Switching Language to en-iso-8859-1:
Structure: ok
Browse: data ok, column title ok
SQL: fields list ok
Search: ok
Insert: ok
Export: ok
Switching to AllowAnywhereRecoding=FALSE:
All is ok
Switching Language to en-iso-utf-8:
Structure: column name broken
Browse: data broken, column title broken
SQL: fields list broken
Search: fields list broken
Insert: fields list broken
Export: data broken, column name broken
looks like a very recent change in HEAD causes me some problems.
Using a utf-8 language (tried French and German), my column names
who have french accents in them like "prénom" are displayed wrong.
Someone can confirm this?
-----Original Message-----
From: "Robin H. Johnson" <robbat2(a)users.sourceforge.net>
To: phpMyAdmin Developer <phpmyadmin-devel(a)lists.sourceforge.net>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 22:54:01 -0700
Subject: [Phpmyadmin-devel] live CVS demo borkage
Then BOTH Oliver (swix) and Marc (lem9) need to do:
cd /home/groups/p/ph/phpmyadmin/htdocs
chgrp -R phpmyadmin .
find -type d | xargs chmod g+s
find | xargs chmod g+rw
Hi Robin,
I have done my files (I had some in the testhome directory),
but in the demo directory ./phpMyAdmin, all files with the
wrong group are owned by swix.
Garvin when you have time, please do (or dispose of) temp_garvin.
Hi folks
phpMyAdmin now has (experimental) mysqli support. swix will update the
CVS package so you can test phpMyAdmin with mysqli and
bugs and/or pitfalls.
CVS package can be found here: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/cvs/
Feedback welcome!
Wish you a nice weekend and happy easteregg-searching :-)
Best regards
Marcel Tschopp (ne0x)
If you're IRC user and want to chat about phpmyadmin issues
(bugs, devel, etc.), there is the #phpmyadmin channel on
Undernet. Server: for example: "Geneva.CH.EU.Undernet.org".
Some of the developers are sometimes around... :)
Just wanted to check in the ML archive if there was another
active channel, but SF archives seems to be broken/down :(
If you know more, please simply follow-up.
Olivier Müller - PGP key ID: 0x0E84D2EA - Switzerland
E-Mail: http://omx.ch/mail/ - AIM/iChat: swix3k
Our "config.inc.php" is getting bigger and bigger
and is quite complex, especially for "newbies".
What about a simple ~/setup.php which would ask a few
simple questions and generate a basic config.inc.php (and
why not create/upgrade the 'phpmyadmin' DB), or a perl
script like in squirrelmail?
step1: generate a new config.inc.php
step2: generate config.inc.php based on an older version
-> probably quite (too?) complex, the current file
is not really 'parser-friendly'
Wouldn't it be great to have something like that for the
2.6.0 release? :)
Olivier Müller - PGP key ID: 0x0E84D2EA - Switzerland
E-Mail: http://omx.ch/mail/ - AIM/iChat: swix3k