When I run the tests on my local machine, a couple of tests fail and a few are skipped. One of the failing tests related to header location (test/libraries/core/PMA_headerLocation_test.php) does not seem to a part of CI as its not listed here [0]
Also, the CloverHTML report generated seems approximately equal to the one here [1] Is that because I am running PHP_CodeCoverage 1.2.7 and the CI server is using 1.1.2? Or could it because of a few tests that are related to the OS and other configurations which differ on my machine and the live CI server?
Also, if there are some tests which are not a part of CI server, are they present in an xml configuration or something? I couldn't locate it yet.
[0] http://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/(root…
[1] http://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/cloverphp/
Ayush Chaudhary
Hi Everyone,
I want to introduce myself to you developers of this undoubtedly best
utility for MySQL administration.I am Mahendra Singh Meena pursuing
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Indian Institute
of Technology (I.I.T) Kharagpur, India.I am a GSoC enthusiast hoping to get
work with you all this summer on Refactoring Project or adding new features
for MySQL 5.6 . From last week I have been playing around the source code
and trying to fix some bugs on GitHub. Please guide me so that I can
deliver my best to phpMyAdmin.
Mahendra Singh Meena
4th Year Dual Degree | Dept. of CSE | IIT Kharagpur, India
Let me introduce myself- I'm a long time phpmyadmin user who recently
started developing on the phpmyadmin code.
Currently, I'm an undergraduate student in Indian Institute of Technology,
I'm interested in applying for Google Summer of Code, and I would like to
contribute to phpmyadmin with a few ideas of my own. Can anyone help me in
contacting mentors ?
Kiran Mathew Koshy
IIT Patna,
Hello all,
I am Sakshi Bansal and would like to start contributing to your
organization. Being a FOSS enthusiasts I
am very interested to do open source contribution. My field of interest is
learning and developing
web technology. I am skilled in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, SQL. I have
been working with MySQL.
I have also taken course on Database Management System. So I am very
excited to contribute to this
organization. I am also learning web security.
Could somebody suggest me on how to get started.
we are pleased to announce this programming contest. Details are on
http://phpmyadmin.net (click the link in the green Contest zone).
By the way, for students who will want to participate to Google Summer
of Code 2013 for a phpMyAdmin project, this programming contest is
interesting for two reasons:
1. a chance to win a Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.4 book
2. a chance to get involved with the phpMyAdmin code by producing a
patch so that we can evaluate your skills
Have fun!
Can someone have a look at this updated selenium test [0], I don't
have an acitve Selenium setup.
Regarding Selenium : currently these tests are not run on our Jenkins
server. Would it be difficult to set up a Selenium server with a few
recent browsers installed? If we can automate tests for a series of
browsers, we might catch problems with CSP before a user files a
[0] https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/158
Kind regards,
Dieter Adriaenssens
In top of the main page (in the div "serverinfo") it points to current
table, db etc... Lets say I want to change it to
server = localhost
db = sakila
table = film
Then what function should I call to achieve this? Are there any specific
global variables that I have to change?
Best regards,
Samith Dassanayake,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.