Hi Michal,
I'm identifying the refactoring points in 'display_tbl.lib.php' file. I am
trying to break the tasks on following areas.
* As a library file this should not render the HTML codes in functions it
selves. First, all the HTML content in functions stored in string and
render at the bottom of the function.
Next, return the string having the HTML content, instead of rendering it
inside the function itself and, from the calling end render that content.
Probably method names will be modified with adding 'get' phrase.
* Some naming conventions are used incorrectly. For method name in lib
file, naming convention is used generally used as 'PMA_methodName'. But
some are not following this.
While correcting them, suggested conventions in my proposal [0] is going to
* There are several functions having more than 200 lines. I'm intending to
divide those functions to smaller ones. (PMA_displayTableNavigation(),
PMA_displayTableHeaders(), PMA_displayTableBody(),
PMA_displayVerticalTable(), PMA_displayTable())
I am looking for your suggestions to identify more important points and
modifications on suggested points. So that I can do more research by
digging code more.
As well, I'm using NetBeans IDE with PHP support, meld tool, Mozilla
Firefox with Firebug, command line git client in Linux environment.
Are there any other special tools which are more useful ?
[0] :
Regards !
Chanaka Indrajith
Bsc.Computer Engineering Undergraduate
Faculty of Engineering
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka
Hi Marc,
I'm trying to start refactoring for Insert/edit section. There are main
three scripts to refactor. But before that, I need your suggestion to start
Thilina Buddika Abeyrathna,
Department of Computer Engineering,
Faculty Of Engineering,
University of Peradeniya,
Sri Lanka.
When touching a piece of code, if you see a "\n" generated for HTML,
it's pretty much safe to remove it (if proven otherwise, we'll build a
wiki page documenting those cases).
The reason was to generate more readable HTML code; now that we
(hopefully) use Firebug to look at the generated HTML, these "\n" are no
longer needed.
Marc Delisle
Hi Michal,
In the community bonding period I would like to sort out the issues I face
when I install the Jenkins server. I refer to this tutorial [0] for
installation. Once I installed the Jenkins server I couldn't restart
the Apache server. So I re-installed Apache. Can you suggest any manual
installing instruction or a tutorial that can I use and get familiar with
Yasitha Pandithawatta
Computer Science and Engineering Department
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
[0] -
I got a question from a student I am mentoring, about using many feature
branches in his tree. Here is the answer that apply (at least) to the
two students I mentor.
Because the sub-projects on the schedule are linear, my opinion is that
it will be simpler to just use the master branch, completing one feature
before starting the next one.
Of course, the student has to frequently merge origin/master (origin
being [0]) to his master branch or to all of his feature branches, to
keep up with what happens in the "common" tree.
Moreover, if the student has many branches and modifies the same file in
more than one branch, cross-merging between his branches has to be done
and this require more planning.
There won't be a "final" merging at the end of GSoC. From the student
guide [1], "Push every change you've done so that we can track your
progress. GSoC has few deadlines, but we want to see and merge your code
continuously! "
[0] git@github.com:phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git
[1] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2012_Student_Guide
Marc Delisle
As discussed on the team meeting in February, I started creating a
wiki page with some guidelines for avoiding security bugs [0].
The page is not finished yet, I just set out some ideas, that I will
work out in the next few days. Feel free to comment, improve or add
guidelines as you see fit.
[0] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Security_pitfalls
Kind regards,
Dieter Adriaenssens
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SourceForge.net [mailto:noreply@sourceforge.net]
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:36 AM
> To: SourceForge.net
> Subject: [Phpmyadmin-trk-featreq] [ phpmyadmin-Feature Requests-3522109 ]
> Inline editing by double click
> Feature Requests item #3522109, was opened at 2012-04-27 14:23
> Message generated for change (Comment added) made by arcadius-radius
> You can respond by visiting:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=377411&aid=3522109&group_i
> d=23067
> Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
> including the initial issue submission, for this request,
> not just the latest update.
> Category: Interface Improvements
> Group: None
> Status: Open
> Resolution: None
> Priority: 5
> Private: No
> Submitted By: arcadius (arcadius-radius)
> Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
> Summary: Inline editing by double click
> Initial Comment:
> Currently (pma 3.5.0) grid editing in browse mode is started on click.
> This can be annoying for some users, f.e., they fear important table data can be
> accidentally damaged.
> Another bad thing is unexpected starting edit mode when trying to select some
> text in grid (to copy it to clipboard).
> It would be good to support 3 configuration modes of Grid editing:
> - On click (current behavior),
> - On double click,
> - Disable.
> While there's no this useful setting, I replaced in /js/makegrid.js:
> $(g).find("td.data").click
> .. with:
> $(g).find("td.data").dblclick
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Comment By: arcadius (arcadius-radius)
> Date: 2012-04-27 15:36
> Message:
> Usual action on double click is selecting all text, on 3-click –
> selecting all line...
> So ideal shortcut for starting inline editing would be Ctrl+Click, if it
> possible.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> You can respond by visiting:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=377411&aid=3522109&group_i
> d=23067
Would introducing a new configuration option, as suggested by arcadius, be a good idea?
IMHO changing the click behavior for 4.0 would consist a rather big change for people used to 3.5, wouldn't it?
Jo Michael
Hi there,
Just spotted an issue with the new "move columns" functionality.
After you add or drop a column, if you click on the "Move columns" link,
you will be shown a dialog with the old columns instead of the new ones.