ok, so in 2.8.2 we add in doc + release notes the restriction about cookies.
In 2.9.0, we detect if cookies are disabled. If so, we inform the user
(implies a new message, this is why I push it to 2.9.0), then we
a) refuse to work?
b) accept to work but with broken output?
Ok so i'm not sure If i am posting this right on the system.. if not can
someone please email me and let me know how to do this?
I vote Smarty is implemented.. I had offered a bit ago to implement
something similar and fix up the php code, but shortly after had got hired
for a job I was trying to get, and now don't have enough time to totally
clean up phpMyAdmin while it is still under development, and keep my copy up
to date :S.
If Smarty is going to be implemented, I will have more time to help with
development that is needed on the project, as it will create a more modular
approach and let developers pick just a small section they would like to add
in to the project.
IMO Smarty is a very good templating engine to use, I have used it lots
before and it is quite effective in many uses.
+1 to the tally from me.
token does not work if cookies are disabled
of course the whole session thing does not work if cookies disabled, but
till now this was not a problem as the session was just re-init with
every request if the session could not be continued.
so phpMyAdmin now requires cookies enabled in browser.
Sebastian Mendel
Hash: SHA1
are there any reasons against introducing Smarty as template engine with
phpMyAdmin? And of course ship it with phpMyAdmin?
the only 'problem' i see is that Smarty needs a writable directory to
store its compiled files - i don't know if it is possible to
'precompile' this files as normally the templates will not be changed by
the user
- --
Sebastian Mendel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)
Hash: SHA1
Hi Arnor!
(You did not post your reply to the mailinglist, so I'll do that)
> So the code looks better. Is that a good enough reason?
Yes, it is. A maintainable code is very important, else no new developers can
easily get into the project. It makes bugs also easier to spot and better to
It's like documentation: You don't need it if you know the code by heart. But
having it, helps all other people a lot.
> It's actually
> been a few years since I discarded smarty as clunky, unproductive and
> conter-intuitive so it might have improved a bit through the years, but to me,
> especially when you're trying to modify smarty-based code, it slows you down a
> lot. But I realize now that I might not have an updated brain.
I hated Smarty 2-3 years ago as well because I thought exactly that, and that
it's unneccessary and much hassle. But I learnt to appreciate it a lot in the
past. It makes coding much more fun, if it doesn't hurt the eye to have various
<?php and ?> tags and HTML spread all over the code.
Smarty is a lot like OO programming: You don't NEED it, and in small projects
it's hard overhead. But once you get used to it and can use the advantages of
it, you can't ignore it any more. :-)
Best regards and thanks for your feedback,
- --
Garvin Hicking | Web-Entwickler | Make me happy:
www.supergarv.de | #ICQ 21392242 | http://wishes.garv.info/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Moving discussion to -devel list.
On Tue, 30 May 2006 16:08:28 +0200
Sebastian Mendel <lists(a)sebastianmendel.de> wrote:
> just introducing a template engine is not very difficult - just make
> real usage of it everywhere will take a 'little' time
> at first step we could just catch the output into a variable and put it
> into the 'main'-template (just an empty template with only html-headers
> and body on it, just the things that are common on every page)
> i moved an entire live system into templates with this practice.
> than you can easily step-by-step move more code into templates
> with this practice it is possible to check-in in smaller steps, making
> it easy to let more people check-in template code without interfere
Sounds interesting.
> 2 votes for Smarty - ;-)
I can't vote as I don't know neither Smarty nor any other php template
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com
Hi all
our home page is broken, instead of news it shows just:
XML error: syntax error at line 1
Has anybody idea what's going on there?
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com
Hi all
Sorry for long mail, but I thing we should somehow face to future.
Silence in mailing lists and CVS doesn't indicate anything good.
It looks like all current team members are quite busy with other stuff
or don't have motivation to work on phpMyAdmin. We're way behind
current MySQL features by not supporting views and stored procedures,
which even can not be entered as SQL as changing delimiter completely
chokes our SQL parser/spliter.
I myself hardly find time to do some work on phpMyAdmin when there are
other project which attract me more and there is not only coding I want
to do. Partly it is caused by me needs - I no longer require new
features from phpMyAdmin for daily work, partly by lack of motivation
for digging into quite complex parts of code.
We probably need fresh blood for team, but I don't see anybody who
could be interested for this. Anyway fresh blood doesn't mean long
time active developer. Our latest acquisition (Sebastian) was very
active in first six months (or so, I don't recall exact numbers) and
then he seems to run into same problems as all others. This seems to
tell me there is something wrong with project. Is it it's code base?
Are team members not enough supportive? Probably partly both, but I
can't tell real reason.
There is need to move further, in current state we lack many needed
features, which are requested. We won't loose our position in MySQL
administration in near future as there is not much competence right
now. However there are growing interesting projects like TurboDbAdmin
[1] or even something like MySQL-Front [2] with PHP tunnel. They all
have at least advantage of doing operations immediately and
interactively and are not that limited by HTML/HTTP as phpMyAdmin.
Sorry I can't propose where to go. Maybe we should take part on SoC [3]
with some larger stuff (eg. stored procedure functions), but it's too
late for it right now.
1. http://turboajax.com/turbodbadmin/
2. http://www.mysqlfront.de/
3. http://code.google.com/soc/
Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com
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|_| |_| |___/ 2.8.1
phpMyAdmin 2.8.1 - May 20, 2006
A set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the Web.
The phpMyAdmin Project is proud to announce the immediate
of phpMyAdmin 2.8.1. No new features appear in this version --
it's a bugfix only release.
Development of new features is happening in the 2.9 series.
This version fixes a new vulnerability, see the security alert
PMASA-2006-3 at
phpMyAdmin is a web administration tool for MySQL databases,
intended to
handle a whole database server as well as a single database. Over
the years,
it has become the most popular Web GUI for MySQL and is
downloaded between 6,000
and 14,000 times a day, according to SourceForge.net.
* Unable to login with cookie auth in IIS 4
* Page variable not preserved on refresh
* Error on empty BLOB with transformation
* Search combos default to key zero
* Dropping basetable of a view
* VIEW data export
* config.default.php changes not recognized
* Octetstream download
* BLOBs centered
* Processing of theme directory
* PHP 4.2.2 and array_key_exists()
* Red border in outdated themes
* Column expander does not work
* Loading binary data very slow
* Export to MS Excel
* Socket can be empty
* Export of InnoDB with mysqli
* Import and -- comments
* Javascript error in new print window
* CONVERT not in reserved words list
* Adding foreign key when column has a quote in its name
* Version number change after update
* Galician messages do not load
* Missing property in Theme_Manager class
* Having sql.php as a default table-page
* Various import problems
* Wrong logout link
* REPLACE reports double results affected
* XSRF via the sql_query parameter
* Detection of writable config
* Reading database list with MySQL wildcards
Detailed list of changes is available under
This software is available under the GNU General Public License
You can get the newest version at http://www.phpmyadmin.net/
Available file formats are: .zip, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2.
If you install phpMyAdmin on your system, it's recommended to
subscribe to the news mailing list by adding your address under
This way, you will be informed of new updates and security fixes.
It is a read only list, and traffic is not greater than a few
mail every year.
Support and Documentation
The documentation is included in the software package as text and
HTML file, but can also be downloaded from:
The software is provided as is without any express or implied
warranty, but there is a bugs tracker page under:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ [click on "Bugs"]
In addition, there are also a number of discussion lists
related to phpMyAdmin. A list of mailing lists with archives
is available at:
http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=23067 or
http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ [click on "Lists"]
Finally, an users support forum is also available under:
Known bugs
Please subscribe to the news mailing list under
or regularly check the sourceforge bugs tracker.
The project accepts donations to help improve the product. There is
a "Donations" link on http://www.phpmyadmin.net.
(from http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation)
phpMyAdmin handles the administration of MySQL over the Web. It
can manage a whole MySQL server as well as a single database.
Currently it can:
* easily browse through databases and tables
* create, copy, rename, alter and drop databases
* create, copy, rename, alter and drop tables
* do table maintenance
* add, edit and drop fields
* execute any SQL-statement, even multiple queries
* create, alter and drop indexes
* load text files into tables
* create (*) and read dumps of tables or databases
* export (*) data to SQL, CSV, XML, Word, Excel, PDF and Latex formats
* administer multiple servers
* manage MySQL users and privileges
* check server settings and runtime information with configuration
* check referential integrity in MyISAM tables
* using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries
automatically connecting required tables
* create PDF graphics of your Database layout
* search globally in a database or a subset of it
* transform stored data into any format using a set of predefined
functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link
* support InnoDB tables and foreign keys (see FAQ 3.6)
* support mysqli, the improved MySQL extension (see FAQ 1.17)
* communicate in 50 different languages
(*) phpMyAdmin can compress (Zip, GZip -RFC 1952- or Bzip2
dumps and CSV exports if you use PHP4 >= 4.0.4 with Zlib
(--with-zlib) and/or Bzip2 support (--with-bz2).
Authors & Copyright
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Tobias Ratschiller
Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Marc Delisle
Olivier Müller <om_at_omnis.ch>
Robin Johnson
Alexander M. Turek <me_at_derrabus.de>
Michal Cihar <michal_at_cihar.com>
Garvin Hicking <me_at_supergarv.de>
Marcel Tschopp
Sebastian Mendel
+ many other people
(check the CREDITS section of our
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307 USA
Marc Delisle/ 2006-05-20