At Debian we've gotten a bug report which I'm quoting below. Basically, the
user has hashing of his sessions dir, but this is appearently broken by the
following bit of code that phpMyAdmin employs in session.php:
// use more secure session ids (with PHP 5)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', 'ge')
&& substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
ini_set('session.hash_function', 1);
ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 6);
As I understand it, only the first option actually changes the security, as it
increases the number of bits in the algorithm. Changing the
hash_bits_per_character option only changes the style of the session hash
names, not their security.
Yet, "hard" overriding this second option causes trouble for sysadmins that
have enabled hashing of their session dir as in the quoted bug report. I see
no real reason to hardcode the bits_per_character option, as the only thing
it does is make te ID's a bit shorter, but they're not human readable
Is there a reason why bits_per_character is hardcoded, or could it be removed?
=== begin quote ===
Enabling hashing session files to directories[1] with default php
configuration requires creating a directory hierarchy[2] for them.
Phpmyadmin enforces different session names[3] than configured by
sysadmin, but does use default directory and hashing depth. So if
sysadmin creates hierarchy for his session naming scheme, phpmyadmin
will fail creating (some) of the session files because no directories
[G-Zg-z] (and maybe more?) exist in the directory tree.
IMO phpmyadmin should honor session settings in the main php.ini or
allow this behaviour to be configured by debconf (along with its own
session directory).
[1] accomplished by setting session.save_path="2;/var/lib/php5" in
- session name: sess_a1765f9b22bc2e2c2b672f4ab34a3199
- is stored as /var/lib/php5/a/1/sess_a1765f9b22bc2e2c2b672f4ab34a3199
[2] with default php setting sessions are hashed to hex-digit
directories (session.hash_bits_per_character = 4)
[3] /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/session.inc.php:66 [in -TK]
=== end quote ===