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|_| |_| |___/ 2.6.0-alpha2
phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-alpha2 - May 7th, 2004
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A set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the Web.
The phpMyAdmin Project is proud to announce the immediate availability of
the second alpha release of phpMyAdmin 2.6.0.
Because of significant changes inside the database connection methods and
major improvements to the MySQL 4.1 compatibility, the team decided to
release this alpha version from phpMyAdmin's current development code.
Supporting the new improved MySQL extension of php5 (MySQLi), phpMyAdmin has
made a giant step towards the upcoming PHP and MySQL versions.
As the new milestone should to be as stable as possible, any feedback about
2.6.0-alpha2 would be appreciated. Please note, that it is not recommended
to run this testing release on production environments.
phpMyAdmin is a web administration tool for MySQL databases, intended to
handle a whole database server as well as a single database. Over the years,
it has become the most popular GUI for MySQL and is downloaded about 6,000
times a day, according to SourceForge.net.
The highlights of this release in detail:
* PHP 5 mysqli extension support
o better performance
o improved security
* Improved support for character sets
* Support for UTF-8 databases under MySQL 4.1
* Site-configurable header and footer
* Export:
o can add custom text to SQL export headers
o support for IF NOT EXISTS
o use unbuffered queries
o enclosing SQL export in a transaction
o selective row export
o improved ANSI compatibility
* Operations: now copy table defaults to "structure and data"
* Operations: database renaming
* Editing: option "Go back to this page"
* Sort: natural order (configurable)
* Search page: DISTINCT, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, NOT LIKE, multiple choices for ENUM
* Left panel Logout link
* Popup calendar (date and time editing) for date, datetime and timestamp fields
* Set and alter collations for databases, tables and fields
* Security: Protection against cookie hijacking: encrypt also the user name, and set a time limit on the validity of encrypted password in the cookie
* "(Un)check all" link for privileges page
* (alpha2) Optional display of server choice as links
* (alpha2) Click on result row to mark the checkbox
* (alpha2) Show if BLOB is NULL
* (alpha2) Mouse cursor in db structure and table structure views
* (alpha2) Multiple row insert
* (alpha2) Search: new choice LIKE %...%
* (alpha2) Can now change the number of columns when adding fields
* Error parsing floating point digit and GRANT...TO
* Numeric field names
* Keyword field names become capitalized
* Substr transformation broken with utf-8
* CONSTRAINT error in MySQL 3.23.x
* MySQL charsets not added to WHERE clauses
* Export:
o on-the-fly compression problem
o CSV problem with double-byte characters
o UPDATE option does not work
o (alpha2)Handling of multi-column foreign keys
* Editing:
o Invalid escaping of + in ENUM
o Undefined submit_mult
o Cannot edit first row when no primary key
o Cannot edit big table structure
o Multi-edit: changes are lost
o Editing of double and float numbers
o Charset information was lost when changing fields
* Invalid row count when emptying table
* Error on Delete link after a db search
* Interface: Icons not displayed for index management
* Problem when the query contains quotes
* Wrong detection of the CREATE privilege
* Problem when the bookmark table does not exist
* Password error when copying a user
* Search page and empty VARCHAR column
* IIS crash: header problem
* (alpha2) Invalid SQL on empty table export
* (alpha2) Multi-byte functions and windows- charsets
* (alpha2) Handling of USE in multiple queries
* (alpha2) Light mode undefined indices
* (alpha2) Consistent window layout for query window
* (alpha2) Missing localization for multi-row edit/delete/export
* (alpha2) Data dictionary: wrong formatting
* (alpha2) Uploading with UploadDir and open_basedir restriction
* (alpha2) Handling of complex sort queries
* (alpha2) Nested mode: collapsing problem
* (alpha2) Multi-edit: wrong tabindex ids
* (alpha2) Calendar: maximum values
* (alpha2) Privileges: wrong message when editing for non-existent db
* (alpha2) Parser and multibyte strings
* (alpha2) Browsing of foreign table: problem with encoding of the primary key reference
* (alpha2) Cookie login: avoid double frames
* (alpha2) Nested table now also works with aliases tablenames
Detailed list of changes since version 2.2.0 is available under
This software is available under the GNU General Public License V2.0.
You can get the newest version at http://www.phpmyadmin.net/
Available file formats are: .zip, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2.
If you install phpMyAdmin on your system, it's recommended to
subscribe to the news mailing list by adding your address under
This way, you will be informed of new updates and security fixes.
It is a read only list, and traffic is not greater than a few
mail every year.
Support and Documentation
The documentation is included in the software package as text and
HTML file, but can also be downloaded from:
The software is provided as is without any express or implied
warranty, but there is a bugs tracker page under:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ [click on "Bugs"]
In addition, there are also a number of discussion lists
related to phpMyAdmin. A list of mailing lists with archives
is available at:
http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=23067 or
http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/ [click on "Lists"]
Finally, an users support forum is also available under:
Known bugs
To be informed about new releases fixing the problems, please
subscribe to the news mailing list under
or regularly check the sourceforge bugs tracker.
The project accepts donations to help improve the product. There is
a "Donations" link on http://www.phpmyadmin.net.
phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. It
can manage a whole MySQL server as well as a single database.
Currently it can:
- create and drop databases
- create, copy, drop, rename and alter tables
- do table maintenance
- delete, edit and add fields
- execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
- manage keys on fields
- load text files into tables
- create and read dumps of tables
- export data to CSV, XML and Latex formats
- administer multiple servers
- manage MySQL users and privileges
- check referential integrity
- using Query-by-example (QBE), create complex queries automatically
connecting required tables
- create PDF graphics of your Database layout
- search globally in a database or a subset of it
- communicate in 42 different languages
Authors & Copyright
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Tobias Ratschiller <tobias_at_ratschiller.com>
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Marc Delisle <DelislMa_at_CollegeSherbrooke.qc.ca>
Olivier Müller <om_at_omnis.ch>
Robin Johnson <robbat2_at_users.sourceforge.net>
Alexander M. Turek <me_at_derrabus.de>
Michal Cihar <michal_at_cihar.com>
Garvin Hicking <me_at_supergarv.de>
Marcel Tschopp <ne0x_at_users.sourceforge.net>
+ many other people
(check the CREDITS section of our documentation)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
EOF -- Alexander M. Turek and Marc Delisle/ 2004-05-07
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Hi all
how about closing bugs just as they're fixed in cvs? It will make easier
to overview what is still broken. Users anyway should use search and not
just look at bugs list to reduce duplicates (they often don't do this
Priority should mark how severe the bug is.
Michal Čihař
Hi all
do we still need to ship these scripts:
extchg.sh - used in past for changing php3 to php
inno2pma.sh - convert InnoDB keys into pma database, we now have native
support for InnoDB, don't we?
Michal Čihař
Finally a phpMyAdmin book!
Dear phpMyAdmin users,
It is my pleasure to announce the immediate availability of
"Mastering phpMyAdmin for Effective MySQL Management".
I have written this book with all phpMyAdmin users in mind --
newbies and power users, and I think it's great that the community
can now have a tutorial and reference manual to rely upon.
Mastering phpMyAdmin for Effective MySQL Management will help you
to unlock the full potential of phpMyAdmin and will show you how to
increase …
[View More]your productivity and control when working with your MySQL.
This book begins with a comprehensive tutorial of phpMyAdmin that
systematically explains and demonstrates the potential of this tool.
It then goes on to show the less well known and generally
under-used features and capabilities of phpMyAdmin in depth.
For more information, please visit:
Marc Delisle
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is it intentional that with latest changes, in the left frame
their appears to be a blank line between each table name?
I consider this a waste of screen space. Do you?
Hi all,
I did some validation and fixes of our code. But I faced one problem:
Does anybody know how to turn wrap="virtual" into valid XHTML 1.0?
Michal Čihař
Hash: SHA1
Hi all
we have nice bugreport about sort indicator direction:
it looks to me that Linux world chosen different behaviour than the rest and
we're with Linux world. Any comments? :-)
btw: The book looks good, at least at first quick look. :-)
- --
Michal Čihař
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
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