Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
how about changing our changelog structure?
are you all happy with current structure?
I agree with your proposed changes. It's important also to credit people for patches, translations, etc. in the ChangeLog (and in Documentation.html for big credits).
Why the "create branch" messages?
some suggestion:
- date only once per day
- prefix type if change: bugfix, change, new
- add module info, f.e. sqlparser, config, themes, import, ...
release info in trunk changelog do says nothing - if we not also include info in later chnages if it was backported to any other branch
do we really need to list all changed files? i think this comes from long ago when no versioning system was used!?
2006-07-13 User - USer - BUGFIX: #123456 - bug report title - BUGFIX: some notices User2 - USer2 + NEW: [themes] new feature in themes / CHANGED: [gui] changed all layout table into fieldsets
2006-07-12 User - User * SECURITY: #123458 - blah blah [QA_2_10, QA_2_9]
2006-07-11 User - User > BRANCH: create branch QA_2_10