Marc wrote:
If we put some automatic configuration of $cfgPmaAbsoluteUri that works on the majority of servers, we will avoid all the help requests we are *now* receiving about those servers (when then have the new version :)
I agree but what I mean it that it will become really hard to help users for which it won't work.
Apache is currently at 56% of the market share.
Right but different versions of Apache and different installation of Apache may not use the same concept behind the same variable. As I stated before ISP often like to modify some of the environment variables for example. That's a real problem IMHO.
Then we put in the file an explanation, and a commented out line like this: //$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = ''; to be filled in for those servers where the automatic thing does not work.
I cant agree this, sorry. We should at least put something in else we will face again bugs with cookies and with the "UPDATE" and "INSERT" statements.
Jay wrote:
I agree that the default setting in the config file should 'calculate' the $ cfgPmaAbsoluteUri setting (using HTTP_HOST).
I prefer this solution but that's not enough IMHO. If you really want to have a default value for this setting, use the first example from the documentation since we can hope at least three of variable used are always defined the way they should ($HTTPS, $HTTP_HOST and $PHP_SELF).... but that will means to also check $_SERVER, $_ENV, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $HTTP_ENV_VARS array and maybe even use the "getenv()" function to get these values whatever is the "register_globals" position.
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