Tapesh Mandal a écrit :
Respected Sir, I want to add a sort by key for all the columns in a table of a database.Currently there is a sort by key only for the primary key.I thought i would use the existing code for sorting primary key. That's why i used the inspect element function for the sort by key option in phpmyadmin panel and this is what i got
Sort by key:
<option value="SELECT * FROM `accounts` ORDER BY `s.no.` ASC">PRIMARY (Ascending)</option><option value="SELECT * FROM `accounts` ORDER BY `s.no.` DESC">PRIMARY (Descending)</option><option value="SELECT * FROM `accounts`" selected="selected">None</option>
But the above code cant be found anywhere in the source code i downloaded from github .Is it function generated?
Yes, see libraries/DisplayResults.class.php in the _getSortByKeyDropDown() function.
Also i found that php is not the only thing phpmyadmin is made of there is javascript and loads of other stuff ..please tell me what are the languages i need to learn to completely understand phpmyadmin code
PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, SQL (MySQL) cover most of the code. There are a few other libraries used.
. which are the books i should refer for that ??
None that I know of.
Is there any place where phpmyadmin code is completely explained for beginners or are we on our own??
"Completely explained", I guess not, it depends what you mean. If some part is not clear, just ask, maybe it needs more comments or refactoring.
See http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/devel.php and http://www.phpmyadmin.net/phpdoc/.