Ammar Yasir a écrit :
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:32 PM, Ammar Yasir <> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Marc Delisle < <>> wrote: Ammar, on the positive side, I very much like the new way of editing a data point in a separate window. I have a few problems: - when dragging the bottom-right corner to resize the plot, under Firefox 5.0 / Vista: uncaught exception. - when testing under IE 9 / Vista, choosing a column in the criteria does not show other column's information so I cannot ask for film_id < 100. Also, I believe that an issue was in discussion: what happens with huge tables? There is one more issue: If the window opens other dialogues like the timepicker, in some cases the timepicker is not operable. Like the film table in saklila (last_update). The other dialog should always come on top of the previous to make it work properly. I'll look into it. --
I added the support for plotting of stings. The logic is as per my week9 report. Try plotting with 'film_id' and 'title' fields for the 'film' table in sakila database. Though the title text might mix up but I've improved on it so that at least all labels are not shown. Like numerical values here also divisions are created on the axes and on zooming the divisions get smaller and labels within that division start to appear. When 4-5 points are on the plot the titles can be seen clearly. I think this is what we initially aimed for. The edit feature (query generations is okay, re-plotting the chart needs to be modified) needs some change for this support.
Ammar, It works fine. I have two suggestions:
- try to avoid overlapping of text in the axis, maybe with some truncation
- add a comment at the bottom of the plot, saying that strings have been converted to integers for plotting purposes
Also, please validate if the user has chosen the same column twice!