Le 2011-07-11 04:14, Thilanka Kaushalya a écrit :
Hi Marc,
Feature merged, thanks.
A possible improvement: when you create a table having a VARCHAR column and you forget the length, you get a nice "This is not a number" message.
There is no such nice message when changing a column, so you get an error that does not point to the real problem.
I fixed this issue for the ajax enabled scenario by using the "*
checkTableEditForm()*" function and pushed the code to the repo. But for non ajax scenario I didn't handled yet. For applying this in the non ajax behavior I have to move the "*$("#append_fields_form input[name=do_save_data]").live('click')*" action to functions.js file in order to make accessible at the tbl_alter.php file. Is it okay to have this action in functions.js file and the other actions related to change option in tbl_structure.js file. If it is okay I'll change that. Thank you.
Yes it's ok to move this section, to avoid code duplication. functions.js is cached in the browser so the downside of increased size is minimal.