Tyron Madlener a écrit :
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 5:01 PM, Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info wrote:
Message: "This columns shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL Text is being compared, thus the queries other attributes such as start time may differ."
I changed it to "This columns shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL Text is being compared, thus the queries of other attributes such as start time may differ."
but I'm not sure of my change. I don't understand the part after "thus"
Also, should it be "These columns" or "This column" ?
This column. The trailing 's' is a typo. What I mean with that is: Let's say the log contains 10 identical sql queries. Then I group them together and set the count to '10', but the other attributes, like the start time is most likely different for each of those 10 queries. I am however only displaying the start time of the first of the 10 identical queries.
So it means "The attributes (apart from the SQL Query) of the other 9 queries, such as start time, may differ."
Let me rephrase :-)
"This column shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL Query itself has been used as grouping criteria, so the queries other attributes, such as start time, may differ."
Does that sound a bit better?
Yes, a bit. I'll change "so the queries other attributes" to "so the queries' other attributes", ok?