Le 2012-03-23 11:16, Lin Di a écrit :
I am Lin Di, a developer from Singapore. I am a user of phpMyAdmin too. I found your projects listed in Google Summer of Code 2012. I am particularly interested in taking those refactoring projects. I have read through the project descriptions, but do no have much idea about the the requirements of these refactoring projects. Can someone advice how I can get started with the projects and what I should draft in the proposal?
Thanks a lot. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi, the phpMyAdmin wiki is currently down but you can visit [0] to see the Application Template you should follow when writing your proposal.
"Mentors generally do not wish to help a student drafting his proposal", however if you have specific questions about one of the project ideas, ask them here.
The applicant guide on our wiki says this (take a special note about the April 10 deadline):
-------- Get involved with phpMyAdmin
We accept only people who have already made some contribution to phpMyAdmin and are actively discussing details of the proposal on the phpmyadmin-devel mailing list. So you should get in touch with us as soon as possible, look at existing bug reports or feature requests and try to fix/implement some of them.
The best way to show us you are prepared is to publish your git tree (see Git) with some changes fixing bugs or implementing some improvements. This needs to be done by Wednesday, April 10th so that we can use this as one of options to evaluate proposals.
More details about developing phpMyAdmin are available at http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/improve.php. See also Tasks for junior developers. ----------------
[0] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2012/phpmyadmin