Le 2013-08-24 13:21, Mohamed Ashraf a écrit :
I was looking at the licensing terms of a js charts library and it stated that is not free for commercial use. I wanted to use this library in the error reporting server because the nearest free and opensource counterpart is lacking. I was working with g.raphael.js [0] so as to not entangle myself in this matter of licensing but I found myself doing more and more just to do simple tasks such as having an axis on a bar chart. I wanted to see if it was possible to use highcharts [1] as a the javascript charting library. This is the link to the faq [2] where it explains non commercial use. I was asking if we fall under the non commercial category in the error reporting server.
[0] http://g.raphaeljs.com/ [1] http://www.highcharts.com/products/highcharts [2] http://shop.highsoft.com/faq#what-is-non-commercial
Mohamed, we had Highcharts in the code base but had to replace it with jqPlot, due to this licensing issue.
It's not because the phpMyAdmin project is commercial or not, it's because (some of) our distributors cannot allow a license that imposes such restrictions, for their users.
Please have a look at jqPlot; it would be easier to maintain because we already have experience with it.