Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
how about using PHP_Compat ?
for example in register_globals()
we could just do
<?php require_once 'PHP/Compat.php'; PHP_Compat::loadFunction('array_walk_recursive'); array_walk_recursive( $_SERVER, 'strip_tags' ); array_walk_recursive( $_ENV, 'strip_tags' ); ?>
this will improve speed on systems with PHP having this functions natively.
i think there are more places where tis would be a benefit
Is this to improve the speed instead for this code? Maybe not worthwhile since it's not executed in many cases.
function array_strip_tags(&$item) { if (is_array($item)) { array_walk($item, 'array_strip_tags'); } else { strip_tags($item); } }
array_walk( $_SERVER, 'array_strip_tags' ); array_walk( $_ENV, 'array_strip_tags' );