thanks for your help.
PHP Version 4.2.1 FreeBSD 4.3 Apache/1.3.19 MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0; Q312461
any help would be great!
Michael Mulvihill mikem@yahoo-inc.com mailto:mikem@yahoo-inc.com Do you uh, Yahoo!? www.yahoo.com http://www.yahoo.com
-----Original Message----- From: Olivier M. [mailto:qmail@orion.8304.ch] Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 3:39 PM To: Michael Mulvihill Cc: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Phpmyadmin-devel] Errors - Uninitialized string offset
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 02:16:58PM -0700, Michael Mulvihill wrote:
Hello, I'm getting the following errors when using phpMyAdmin:
please tell us you PHP and Mysql versions, as well as the operating system, and eventually what is your browser.
And on which page you see these warnings... Thx. (sorry, we can't guess everything :)
Regards, Olivier