On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 05:05:37PM +0100, Michal Cihar wrote:
I've made a bit modifications how documentation looks like, please take a look at it and drop me a note whether this could be commited into cvs. http://cihar.web.liten.cz/pma-doc/Documentation.html
I like it as well. However I notice two rendering bugs on IE6 (under Win2k): "phpMyAdmin can compress (Zip, GZip -RFC 1952- or Bzip2 formats) dumps and CSV exports if you use PHP4 >= 4.0.4 with Zlib support (--with-zlib) and/or Bzip2 support (--with-bz2)." Overlaps the "Installation" heading. "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON <pma_db> TO 'pma'@'localhost'; (this of course requires you to have a special DB for phpMyAdmin, the contents will be explained later)" overlaps the "Then each of the true users should be granted a set of privileges on a set of particular databases. Normally you shouldn't give global privileges to an ordinary user, unless you understand the impact of those privileges (for example, you are creating a superuser)."
However it does look really good under Mozilla.