Jay Davis wrote:
Despite field name changes for the relation table fields in 2.3.0, the relation table field names still seem to be misnamed.
If we take the example "an invoice has many items", it would be clearer to say that the invoice is the *master* table, and items is the *detail* table. A simplified example:
CREATE TABLE invoice ( invoice_id tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, invoice_date date, PRIMARY KEY (invoice_id))
CREATE TABLE items ( invoice_id tinyint(4), item_number tinyint(4), description varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY (invoice_id, item_number))
If we take the example in Documentation.html:
CREATE TABLE persons ( id tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, person_name varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', town_code varchar(5) default '0', country_code char(1) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE towns ( town_code varchar(5) NOT NULL default '0', description varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (town_code) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE countries ( country_code char(1) NOT NULL default '', description varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (country_code) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
We can think of the table persons as the master table, because we put the emphasis on the person. Then, the town_code in persons is a foreign key linking to table towns, where town_code is the primary key. But in this case, can we talk about master/detail relationship?
So it's not easy to have only one way to describe various cases, but I think that
the field names in our relation table are clear enough.