Hi Marc,
Am 22.03.2010 19:42, schrieb Marc Delisle:
Marc Delisle a écrit :
Michael Keck a écrit :
how can I make new (empty) branch for template-based?
With the new branch some directrories, libraries and some new things have to been changed or added.
I'm planning to use MVC, we should programm our own, with the template-based branch, cause some things I've rewritten for this branch. I don't really want port duplicated code-snipps to the new branch.
Michael, however, don't you feel that you should plan this with the rest of the team,
of course ... it was only a question or a suggested plan ;) but *not* a prescribed and/or fixed plan.
especially now that we have many things on the plate:
- the impending merge of gettext stuff by Michal
okay ... I guess, and I will *not* ignore this point.
- GSoC 2010 (AJAX, jQuery, etc)
This was the point why I asked
At the minimum, are there other persons in the team that want to follow you *now* in this direction?
I hope ;)
P.S. In a previous post about MVC and Rasmus's ideas, I wrote:
"I believe that we should take these ideas into account while discussing any MVC move for phpMyAdmin."
Okay, making a template based version of phpMyAdmin is not a whole MVC but a step closer to it. Because with template based version I've a controller (the template engine), a view (the skin (template) files) and the current php-code as model. Or I'm wrong?